
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbiza city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.27 27.88 2614 7264
Mbiza city Matabeleland North Zimbabwe -19.21 27.51 3349 1935
Mbizeni city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.92 28.75 3464 7428
Mbizeni city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.73 28.43 4501 4498
Mbizeni city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -30.45 28.76 5869 2200
Mbizi city Makamba Burundi -4.26 29.81 5029 15097
Mbizi city Makamba Burundi -4.35 29.84 5029 13252
Mbizi city Makamba Burundi -4.21 29.71 5954 22621
Mbizi city Rutana Burundi -3.67 30.12 5055 25146
Mbizi city Kayanza Burundi -2.83 29.48 6948 31218
Mbizi city Kirundo Burundi -2.60 30.26 5242 34265
Mbizi city Muyinga Burundi -2.99 30.29 5869 32567
Mbizi city Makamba Burundi -4.41 29.72 4189 17322
Mbizi city Nord Rwanda -1.55 29.59 5869 71019
Mbizi city Nord Rwanda -1.60 29.61 6709 72134
Mbizi city Nord Rwanda -1.68 29.75 6709 63749
Mbizi city Sud Rwanda -1.95 29.89 6184 62294
Mbizi city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.87 31.72 5429 4768
Mbizi city Masvingo Zimbabwe -21.39 31.01 1669 1192
Mbizo city Ogooue-Ivindo Gabon 0.67 14.17 1768 0
Mbizo city Zimbabwe -21.52 28.87 2545 1341
Mbizo city Matabeleland North Zimbabwe -19.21 27.51 3349 1935
Mbizo African Township city Midlands Zimbabwe -18.91 29.85 4189 45399
Mbizo I city Matabeleland North Zimbabwe -19.21 27.51 3349 1935
Mbizo II city Matabeleland North Zimbabwe -19.24 27.51 3349 1937
Mbizo Township city Midlands Zimbabwe -18.91 29.85 4189 45399

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