
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Liru city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.27 109.30 1768 90617
Liru city Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad Iran 30.63 51.00 4189 4004
Liru Zaval city Fars Iran 30.35 51.47 4189 1113
Lirua city Madhya Pradesh India 24.13 81.83 1036 28619
Liruan city Guangxi China 23.52 110.23 121 38188
Liruan city Samar Philippines 11.31 125.15 85 6057
Lirudsvalen city Varmland Sweden 60.13 13.05 344 262
Lirui city Fars Iran 30.35 51.47 4189 1113
Liruk city Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Iran 32.73 49.53 5869 3800
Lirumva city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.37 30.88 4189 17796
Lirun city Gansu China 35.34 105.99 5869 40801
Lirung city Sulawesi Utara Indonesia 3.94 126.67 830 9595
Liruo city Jiangxi China 26.06 114.74 830 43268

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