
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lebnan city Yap Federated States of Micronesia 9.53 138.18 0 4114
Lebnaw city Yap Federated States of Micronesia 9.53 138.18 0 4114
Lebnevo city Lovech Bulgaria 42.95 24.85 1837 3005
Lebni city Tanger-Tetouan Morocco 35.30 -5.52 3772 10906
Lebnitsa city Blagoevgrad Bulgaria 41.53 23.23 213 11427
Lebniza city Blagoevgrad Bulgaria 41.53 23.23 213 11427
Lebno city Pomorskie Poland 54.46 18.14 830 3516
Lebnyok city Littoral Cameroon 3.82 10.23 206 1341

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