
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kolra city Uttar Pradesh India 26.29 83.06 232 140852
Kolra city Uttarakhand India 28.98 79.35 830 47197
Kolram city Gilan Iran 37.20 49.22 830 11467
Kolrash city Slemani Iraq 35.26 45.92 1679 4094
Kolrayhalli city Karnataka India 13.17 77.52 2887 64485
Kolrein city Alsace France 48.39 7.18 2086 3470
Kolreinas city Causeway Coast and Glens United Kingdom 55.13 -6.67 32 19395
Kolrep city Brandenburg Germany 53.03 12.29 157 1667
Kolrha city Benin 10.01 1.65 1669 2633
Kolri city Uttarakhand India 29.82 79.03 5029 11426
Kolri city Himachal Pradesh India 32.01 75.86 1669 26332
Kolri city Himachal Pradesh India 32.03 75.92 1669 21649
Kolri city Sindh Pakistan 24.29 69.31 36 3656
Kolri Bigha city Jharkhand India 24.46 83.96 830 11175
Kolrud city Kerman Iran 28.65 57.73 2509 12265
Kolrūdbār city Gilan Iran 37.17 49.93 9 27303

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