
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kālsa city Pakistan 33.89 74.10 5223 21412
Kālsana city Punjab India 30.51 76.16 830 55254
Kālsang city Khorasan-e Razavi Iran 34.92 61.06 2509 1910
Kālsar city Bihar India 25.66 87.61 82 59490
Kālsargi city Karnataka India 14.58 74.75 1866 14305
Kālsarā city Kermanshah Iran 34.37 45.97 2562 18211
Kālsi city Haryana India 29.87 76.96 830 68102
Kālsi city Uttarakhand India 29.49 79.26 5869 2046
Kālsipar city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.42 75.56 1669 42214
Kālsān Sirihāli city Punjab Pakistan 32.76 74.31 879 54733
Kālsāns city Rajasthan India 25.41 74.74 1669 41889
Kālsī city Uttarakhand India 30.54 77.85 2778 17031

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