
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Izamal city Yucatan Mexico 20.94 -89.02 72 15534
Izamba city Tungurahua Ecuador -1.23 -78.59 8389 180977
Izamba city Ogooue-Maritime Gabon -0.62 9.12 0 949
Izambayevo city Chuvashiya Russia 55.16 47.65 830 3278
Izambayevo city Chuvashiya Russia 56.01 46.44 830 2384
Izambe city Ogooue-Maritime Gabon -0.62 9.12 0 949
Izambré city Goh-Djiboua Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.27 -6.02 830 7928
Izambwa's city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.30 33.72 5029 1022
Izambwa’s city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.30 33.72 5029 1022
Izamno city Serbia 42.54 22.04 2509 11154

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