
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ibwaga city Dodoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.23 36.47 4593 4321
Ibwan el Zabadi city Al Minya Egypt 28.40 30.73 124 151988
Ibwananio city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -9.63 150.45 849 621
Ibwe Munyama city Southern Zambia -16.17 28.53 2509 2533
Ibwera city Kagera Tanzania, United Rep. of -1.48 31.63 4189 11081
Ibwit al Qadimah city Bani Suwayf Egypt 29.33 31.13 78 105660
Ibworth city Hampshire United Kingdom 51.28 -1.18 830 22399
Ibwît el Qadîma city Bani Suwayf Egypt 29.33 31.13 78 105660
Ibwān az Zabādī city Al Minya Egypt 28.40 30.73 124 151988
Ibwīţ city Al Fayyum Egypt 29.32 31.12 65 87381

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