
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hunge city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.33 75.27 5390 17016
Hunge city Jamtland Sweden 62.75 15.08 1108 149
Hungebail city Karnataka India 13.63 75.36 2509 13311
Hungeling city Niedersachsen Germany 52.38 7.28 141 4369
Hungen city Hessen Germany 50.47 8.90 830 7673
Hungen-Steinheim city Hessen Germany 50.44 8.92 830 7185
Hungenberg city Bayern Germany 49.95 12.27 1837 4037
Hungenberg city Bayern Germany 49.80 11.34 1669 3262
Hungenroth city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 50.14 7.60 1669 7593
Hunger city Oberosterreich Austria 47.73 14.25 2608 2831
Hunger city Bayern Germany 49.67 11.43 1669 4402
Hungerbach city Bayern Germany 47.67 10.14 3349 8026
Hungerberg city Oberosterreich Austria 48.22 13.95 1026 15023
Hungerberg city Oberosterreich Austria 47.70 14.33 2030 2831
Hungerberg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.68 8.19 1669 23339
Hungerberg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.53 8.08 885 25802
Hungerberg city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.13 7.44 1046 16213
Hungerberg city Bayern Germany 48.88 13.31 2509 17198
Hungerberg city Bayern Germany 47.90 12.87 1669 6482
Hungerbjaerg city Syddanmark Denmark 55.76 8.67 111 3349
Hungerbjerg city Syddanmark Denmark 55.76 8.67 111 3349
Hungerbjerg Mark city Syddanmark Denmark 55.76 8.67 111 3349
Hungerbjærg city Syddanmark Denmark 55.76 8.67 111 3349
Hungerburg city Tirol Austria 47.28 11.40 1860 86613
Hungerburg city Ida-Virumaa Estonia 59.46 28.04 85 8877
Hungerburg city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.90 8.83 9 5893
Hungeren city Troms Norway 69.63 18.98 1669 2330
Hungerford city Queensland Australia -29.00 144.41 377 0
Hungerford city West Berkshire United Kingdom 51.42 -1.52 334 5803
Hungerford city Zimbabwe -20.45 27.48 4189 1737
Hungerford city Pennsylvania United States 39.76 -76.68 898
Hungerford city Texas United States 29.40 -96.08 98
Hungerford Airport airport -28.98 144.45 0
Hungerford Corners city New York United States 43.85 -76.23 331
Hungerford Creek city New South Wales Australia -32.48 150.49 875 0
Hungerford Manor city Maryland United States 39.37 -77.24 830
Hungerford Newton city West Berkshire United Kingdom 51.43 -1.48 830 5673
Hungerford Towne city Maryland United States 39.07 -77.15 374
Hungerham city Bayern Germany 48.50 12.43 1669 2164
Hungerhof city Bayern Germany 49.07 10.36 1669 17678
Hungerhof city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.85 9.06 1824 18826
Hungerhorn city Niedersachsen Germany 53.64 8.50 0 12153
Hungerhub city Bayern Germany 48.10 12.52 1669 3051
Hungeri city Karnataka India 14.84 74.18 127 47975
Hungerkamp city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.45 9.05 193 6942
Hungerla city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.57 22.63 167 2289
Hungerod city Bayern Germany 48.36 12.56 1669 3134
Hungersacker city Bayern Germany 49.01 12.44 1669 3190
Hungersberg city Oberosterreich Austria 47.70 14.33 2030 2831
Hungersberg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.72 9.55 1669 45298
Hungersdorf city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.40 6.68 1669 4182
Hungersdorf city Bayern Germany 49.00 12.41 1171 3138
Hungerstorf city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.87 11.25 226 1341
Hungerstorf city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.61 12.82 111 2901
Hungerstorp city Kronoberg Sweden 56.73 14.50 830 2014
Hungerszell city Bayern Germany 48.99 12.78 1837 3287
Hungerton city Leicestershire United Kingdom 52.65 -0.97 830 15788
Hungerwies city Bayern Germany 47.84 11.10 1843 25476
Hungerzell city Bayern Germany 48.99 12.78 1837 3287

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