
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Highacres city Matabeleland South Zimbabwe -20.24 28.96 4189 2831
Highafok city Tamanrasset Algeria 23.66 5.76 5029 0
Higham city Suffolk United Kingdom 52.25 0.58 259 11832
Higham city Essex United Kingdom 51.97 0.97 55 21190
Higham city Kent United Kingdom 51.43 0.47 82 76012
Higham Ferrers city Northamptonshire United Kingdom 52.30 -0.58 252 35248
Higham Upshire city Kent United Kingdom 51.43 0.47 82 76012
Higham on the Hill city Leicestershire United Kingdom 52.55 -1.43 295 59419
Highampton city Devon United Kingdom 50.82 -4.15 255 1954

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