
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gwāchik city Balochistan Pakistan 27.96 62.98 1669 419
Gwādar city Balochistan Pakistan 25.12 62.33 3 86446
Gwāhi city Haryana India 30.66 77.15 2660 5741
Gwāi Haidarzai city Balochistan Pakistan 30.74 68.87 5029 2235
Gwākai Star Kili city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.65 70.40 4432 12963
Gwāl city Balochistan Pakistan 30.54 67.20 5869 5811
Gwāl Bīna city Uttarakhand India 29.88 79.26 5029 19945
Gwāl Mandi city Punjab Pakistan 33.60 73.06 1669 350589
Gwāl Mandi city Balochistan Pakistan 30.18 67.01 5869 131524
Gwāl Marozai city Balochistan Pakistan 30.74 68.88 5029 2235
Gwāla city Madhya Pradesh India 22.95 76.53 1778 21624
Gwālabagar city Uttarakhand India 30.51 79.23 10908 8942
Gwālan Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.15 81.63 387 69126
Gwāldeh city Uttarakhand India 29.61 79.41 5075 51747
Gwālguri city Rangpur Bangladesh 26.12 88.27 134 70606
Gwālguri city Rangpur Bangladesh 26.11 88.29 131 70605
Gwāli city Chhattisgarh India 21.71 82.80 830 41261
Gwāli city Himachal Pradesh India 32.99 76.51 11965 1341
Gwāli city Madhya Pradesh India 22.97 76.54 1758 21619
Gwāli Sītārāmpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.39 80.63 830 55646
Gwālia city Madhya Pradesh India 25.57 78.03 977 16092
Gwāliora city Uttar Pradesh India 27.41 78.34 830 66505
Gwālishtāp city Balochistan Pakistan 28.31 62.73 1768 467
Gwāliyān city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.26 75.27 6210 39797
Gwāljangal city Uttarakhand India 29.96 79.88 4507 25118
Gwālkhil city Uttarakhand India 29.93 79.14 5131 15588
Gwāltoli city Madhya Pradesh India 25.06 79.45 830 24937
Gwāltoli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.42 78.56 905 92208
Gwāltoli city Madhya Pradesh India 22.72 75.89 1824 453209
Gwālīpur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.03 83.16 282 32656
Gwālīpura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.55 77.38 1669 12814
Gwām Nāşir city Al Muthanna Iraq 31.33 45.42 22 0
Gwān city Kapisa Afghanistan 34.73 69.73 5068 11456
Gwān city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.47 75.73 5085 298
Gwāndla city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.36 72.78 4294 34241
Gwāni Kalāt city Balochistan Pakistan 27.47 65.90 4189 30
Gwār city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.79 74.59 859 34854
Gwār city Uttarakhand India 30.42 78.23 6709 21884
Gwār city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.53 75.81 7129 298
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.79 76.14 5029 7450
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.62 76.04 4189 18112
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.48 76.20 5869 16986
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.49 76.32 6709 16378
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.48 76.34 5190 13839
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.46 76.40 6709 3746
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.45 76.32 5403 14797
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.45 76.40 5029 3016
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.44 76.46 5869 2384
Gwār city Himachal Pradesh India 32.30 76.65 10908 2384
Gwār city Uttarakhand India 30.18 78.87 5439 27453
Gwār city Uttarakhand India 29.60 79.79 5029 14453
Gwār Chak city Uttarakhand India 29.45 79.48 4412 40781
Gwār Kūh city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 28.40 60.50 4468 596
Gwār Malla city Uttarakhand India 29.98 78.83 5869 18716
Gwāra city Madhya Pradesh India 23.10 80.36 1961 11049
Gwārari city Rajasthan India 25.25 74.63 1669 69687
Gwārau city Uttar Pradesh India 28.64 78.74 830 108008
Gwārchaur city Uttarakhand India 29.80 78.80 5072 15198
Gwārdhār city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.29 76.14 10068 298
Gwāren city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.44 75.67 5869 298
Gwārghān city Balochistan Pakistan 28.26 66.35 5967 2682
Gwārgo city Balochistan Pakistan 26.83 63.80 2824 525
Gwāri city Rajasthan India 26.34 76.62 830 30772
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.71 78.70 1233 18761
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.77 79.45 1135 62162
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.22 79.71 1233 45557
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.14 79.79 1217 77884
Gwāri city Uttar Pradesh India 27.09 78.97 830 41822
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.80 79.08 1669 26262
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 21.92 79.37 1981 15130
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 21.92 79.37 1975 15022
Gwāri city Madhya Pradesh India 22.67 79.64 1968 14379
Gwāri city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.00 75.92 6138 13225
Gwāri city Himachal Pradesh India 33.03 76.44 10137 1341
Gwāri Khurd city Madhya Pradesh India 22.84 79.16 1187 20418
Gwārin city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.37 75.68 6709 1978
Gwārkhera city Uttar Pradesh India 28.64 78.83 830 117376
Gwārl city Rajasthan India 26.20 76.68 1115 14188
Gwārīgaon city Uttarakhand India 29.87 78.93 6709 15192
Gwāshtah city Paktika Afghanistan 32.30 68.29 7549 853
Gwātai city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 34.79 71.34 4189 12814
Gwātar city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 25.16 61.50 0 352
Gwātgi city Balochistan Pakistan 25.47 62.77 75 0
Gwāwali city Madhya Pradesh India 25.38 78.97 830 27423
Gwāz city Balochistan Pakistan 28.51 65.49 2509 447
Gwāšta city Paktika Afghanistan 32.30 68.29 7549 853

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