
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gowāband city Chhattisgarh India 22.11 82.61 830 29373
Gowākh city Sar-e Pul Afghanistan 35.43 66.78 10068 1489
Gowālath city Himachal Pradesh India 31.18 77.48 8389 15610
Gowāldai city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.06 71.97 4609 25330
Gowāli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.44 82.37 272 117271
Gowāltole city Madhya Pradesh India 24.58 80.57 1085 32375
Gowāltoli city Jharkhand India 24.28 85.54 1243 32291
Gowānak city Sar-e Pul Afghanistan 35.22 66.33 7732 1053
Gowārah Sang city Parwan Afghanistan 35.30 69.07 9619 3182
Gowārghān city Balochistan Pakistan 28.22 66.34 5869 2682
Gowāri city Madhya Pradesh India 24.03 77.67 1669 21280
Gowāri city Maharashtra India 19.83 79.01 830 20067
Gowāria city Madhya Pradesh India 22.90 77.87 931 10404
Gowāria city Rajasthan India 23.47 74.26 830 47390
Gowārpeth city Maharashtra India 20.52 79.77 830 22171
Gowārtolī city Jharkhand India 24.01 84.20 830 56800
Gowārān city Kandahar Afghanistan 29.74 65.72 3349 93
Gowārānjo Abdul Qādir city Balochistan Pakistan 28.09 66.13 5111 2682
Gowārāst city Balochistan Pakistan 27.69 66.02 4189 0
Gowārī city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.07 75.10 4189 23990
Gowās city Himachal Pradesh India 31.19 77.34 7020 15468
Gowās city Bihar India 24.62 84.23 830 42265
Gowāsh city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 26.61 60.54 3677 596

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