
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gotu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.44 77.52 5869 9946
Gotu city Shimane Japan 35.01 132.23 314 19123
Gotu city Sinoe Liberia 4.94 -8.72 236 433
Gotube city Niger Nigeria 9.71 6.73 1118 4321
Gotueidhi city Faroe Islands 62.18 -6.77 278 2230
Gotugjogv city Faroe Islands 62.19 -6.74 0 1799
Gotuke city Maryland Liberia 4.99 -7.98 830 1341
Gotukuppa city Andhra Pradesh India 18.88 83.69 951 12218
Gotukūru city Andhra Pradesh India 14.73 77.52 1177 67203
Gotul city Daskasan Azerbaijan 40.62 46.03 5383 3293
Gotul city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.36 75.51 10255 2935
Gotulmura city Chhattisgarh India 20.56 81.26 1184 24683
Gotumba city Yobe Nigeria 11.58 12.25 1669 3859
Gotumbe city Mashonaland Central Zimbabwe -17.06 31.28 4419 6407
Gotumboa city Yobe Nigeria 11.58 12.25 1669 3859
Gotur city Sudhurland Iceland 63.45 -19.07 328 114
Gotur Tanda city Karnataka India 17.38 77.11 1669 23976
Goturdepe city Balkan Turkmenistan 39.47 53.72 -1689 596
Gotush city Huanuco Peru -9.84 -76.55 12985 5892
Gotush city Lima Peru -11.51 -76.76 10935 619
Gotuth city Himachal Pradesh India 30.98 77.46 6709 12376
Gotuwela city Uva Sri Lanka 6.88 81.06 3349 54433
Gotuwela city Uva Sri Lanka 6.87 81.06 2857 55783
Gotuwela city Uva Sri Lanka 6.89 81.04 3349 57901

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