
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gorea city Victoria Australia -38.23 141.55 193 0
Gorea city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.96 29.25 2877 1192
Gorea city Jharkhand India 24.31 85.28 1669 39394
Gorea West city Victoria Australia -38.25 141.48 223 0
Goreachi city Chihuahua Mexico 27.79 -107.97 6709 298
Goreakaram city Jharkhand India 23.94 83.88 1125 28009
Goreakothi city Bihar India 26.26 84.60 206 139974
Goreakothi city Bihar India 26.26 84.60 206 139974
Goreansca city Komen Slovenia 45.80 13.71 830 4107
Goreanska city Komen Slovenia 45.80 13.71 830 4107

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