
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gongu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.89 74.92 5305 88714
Gonguay Town city Bomi Liberia 6.82 -10.65 830 1916
Gonguda city Andhra Pradesh India 18.31 82.75 3349 14469
Gongue city Zaire Angola -7.30 13.03 347 894
Gongue city Zaire Angola -6.27 13.15 830 894
Gongue city Inhambane Mozambique -23.02 35.05 367 3639
Gonguembo city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.91 14.72 2066 2533
Gonguembo city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.98 14.93 2509 2533
Gonguembo Banza city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.98 14.93 2509 2533
Gongueva city Huambo Angola -12.42 15.95 5029 5811
Gonguguda city Andhra Pradesh India 18.95 83.77 830 15709
Gonguizé Kouara city Tillaberi Niger 14.36 1.71 971 2738
Gonguk city Kerman Iran 30.57 56.40 7549 2103
Gongula city Dedza Malawi -14.38 34.30 5419 35070
Gongulong city Borno Nigeria 11.92 13.19 964 130782
Gongunot city Abra Philippines 17.68 120.68 219 10715
Gongur city Benue Nigeria 7.14 9.09 830 16212
Gongurha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.47 79.40 830 25917
Gonguro city Diffa Niger 13.59 13.23 938 3619
Gonguruwuy city Northern Territory Australia -12.06 136.15 0 0
Gongustadhir city Nordhurland Eystra Iceland 65.86 -18.80 830 0

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