
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gom Ahmadpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.10 74.58 5131 97204
Gom Alwal city Warrap South Sudan 9.17 28.02 1669 6258
Gom Beyg city Tehran Iran 35.52 52.12 6082 1015
Gom Bor city Kerman Iran 27.68 57.34 1778 1785
Gom Bāri city Rangpur Bangladesh 25.74 89.67 121 114519
Gom Darreh city Kordestan Iran 35.48 47.26 6709 4053
Gom Esḩāq city Khorasan-e Shomali Iran 36.92 57.28 3349 1937
Gom Jān city Fars Iran 29.65 53.12 5121 4747
Gom Sabz city Lorestan Iran 33.46 48.86 6194 2679
Gom Sidi Lakhdar city Medea Algeria 36.19 3.31 2083 7450
Gom Tukum city Maharashtra India 19.91 79.59 830 25897
Gom Yek city Khuzestan Iran 31.81 49.79 2509 20648

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