
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Golle city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -6.08 120.52 830 6826
Golledari city Mardin Turkey 37.23 40.42 1669 3278
Gollegg city Salzburg Austria 47.28 13.22 3681 5041
Gollejeh city Zanjan Iran 36.18 49.41 5869 2086
Gollel city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -27.34 31.86 830 3735
Gollel city Swaziland -27.32 31.90 830 5342
Gollelmamidi city Andhra Pradesh India 18.08 82.80 3349 17177
Gollemo Sello city Serbia 42.71 21.86 1932 5811
Gollen city Warminsko-Mazurskie Poland 53.89 22.53 830 2369
Gollenbach city Bayern Germany 49.89 11.42 1669 4023
Gollenberg city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.67 7.16 1669 5364
Gollendorf city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.46 11.07 6 1404
Gollene city Saint-Louis Senegal 16.26 -14.10 36 1788
Gollenfa city Somogy Hungary 46.35 17.88 830 23455
Gollenhof city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.90 9.37 918 57950
Gollenhof city Bayern Germany 48.40 11.12 1669 11576
Gollenhof city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.83 9.97 1669 12817
Gollensdorf city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.96 11.55 65 2439
Gollenshausen city Bayern Germany 47.91 12.44 1699 2950
Gollenshausen am Chiemsee city Bayern Germany 47.91 12.44 1699 2950
Gollepalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.33 79.02 980 25339
Gollepalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.34 79.01 980 24776
Goller city Bayern Germany 47.74 10.76 2591 2429
Goller city Bolu Turkey 40.66 31.42 3635 4325
Goller city Bayburt Turkey 40.05 40.17 7549 1865
Goller city Erzincan Turkey 39.79 39.97 5994 1639
Goller city Erzincan Turkey 39.67 39.78 5232 1639
Goller city Sivas Turkey 39.58 37.65 5869 1639
Goller city Erzurum Turkey 39.28 41.85 5449 1788
Goller city Ordu Turkey 40.92 37.46 830 11421
Goller city Corum Turkey 40.05 34.41 4524 2679
Goller Koyu city Bayburt Turkey 40.05 40.17 7549 1865
Goller Koyu city Erzincan Turkey 39.79 39.97 5994 1639
Goller Koyu city Erzincan Turkey 39.67 39.78 5232 1639
Gollerbach city Bayern Germany 48.40 12.91 1669 20269
Gollerbach city Bayern Germany 48.39 12.82 1669 13421
Gollern city Oberosterreich Austria 48.12 13.05 1669 5960
Gollern city Niedersachsen Germany 53.08 10.64 180 3427
Gollersberg city Steiermark Austria 47.10 15.77 1233 8507
Gollershoben city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 50.64 7.53 830 13516
Gollersreuth city Bayern Germany 49.08 11.25 1669 3319
Golles city Hunedoara Romania 45.68 22.75 2509 2478
Golleung city Incheon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.67 126.46 118 8867
Gollev city Erzurum Turkey 39.28 41.85 5449 1788
Golleville city Basse-Normandie France 49.44 -1.52 72 3070

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