
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Goda (12),Godaa (2),Godab (12),Godac (8),Godad (6),Godae (1),Godag (37),Godah (9),Godai (10),Godaj (1),Godak (25),Godal (42),Godam (32),Godan (75),Godap (13),Godar (127),Godas (3),Godat (4),Godau (3),Godav (8),Godaw (28),Goday (8)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goda city Wardak Afghanistan 34.21 68.51 8389 4890
Goda city Nuristan Afghanistan 35.07 70.50 5334 3576
Goda city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.90 18.72 1669 1937
Goda city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.67 27.26 2509 4185
Goda city Far North Cameroon 10.16 14.37 1669 4172
Goda city Far North Cameroon 10.75 13.78 2729 10315
Goda city Tigray Ethiopia 14.17 38.69 7549 24040
Goda city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.85 38.35 8389 13864
Goda city Oromiya Ethiopia 7.45 41.68 3349 950
Goda city Sachsen Germany 51.18 14.32 830 8536
Goda city Haryana India 28.31 76.26 830 41124
Goda city Khuzestan Iran 32.22 48.87 203 5215
Goda city Sassandra-Marahoue Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.45 -6.60 830 35305
Goda city Ehime Japan 33.44 132.41 830 26839
Goda city Fukuoka Japan 33.61 130.87 324 33961
Goda city Bomi Liberia 6.64 -11.01 206 524
Goda city Maradi Niger 13.56 6.81 1141 4211
Goda city Diffa Niger 13.34 12.68 938 1806
Goda city Kano Nigeria 12.21 8.56 1669 33710
Goda city Punjab Pakistan 31.90 71.55 830 12814
Goda city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.96 72.15 6161 22516
Goda city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.36 73.71 1669 6704

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