
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gic city Sar-e Pul Afghanistan 35.65 66.85 5433 1500
Gic city Veszprem Hungary 47.43 17.75 830 2805
Gic Coc city Hai Duong Vietnam 20.77 106.25 13 146356
Gica city Benguela Angola -12.00 13.97 830 894
Gica city Malanje Angola -8.83 17.05 2509 1639
Gica city Malanje Angola -8.71 16.53 3349 1639
Gica city Malanje Angola -8.93 16.09 3648 1639
Gica city Lunda Norte Angola -8.93 18.21 3349 447
Gica city Malanje Angola -9.06 15.97 2509 1639
Gica city Malanje Angola -9.37 15.47 2644 1639
Gica city Malanje Angola -9.27 17.07 4189 1639
Gicaca city Ruyigi Burundi -3.45 30.52 5029 16126
Gicaca city Cibitoke Burundi -2.76 29.10 4189 30110
Gicaca city Gitega Burundi -3.42 29.98 5902 48482
Gicaca city Kigali Rwanda -1.94 30.25 5029 40996
Gicaca city Est Rwanda -2.19 30.02 5029 38082
Gicaca city Sud Rwanda -2.49 29.47 7083 32558
Gicaca city Nord Rwanda -1.80 30.19 5869 45453
Gicaca city Kigali Rwanda -1.87 30.24 5029 44985
Gican city Qusar Azerbaijan 41.39 48.11 5029 4768
Gicanoba city Qusar Azerbaijan 41.62 48.53 830 4768
Gicara city Giresun Turkey 40.28 38.65 5419 4917
Gicboan city Northern Samar Philippines 12.25 124.83 262 8943
Gicbuan city Northern Samar Philippines 12.25 124.83 262 8943
Gice city Banskobystricky Slovakia 48.56 20.30 994 3328
Gicegu city Erzincan Turkey 39.35 38.60 5869 1639
Gicen city Konya Turkey 37.75 33.83 3753 2682
Giceture city Rize Turkey 41.14 40.92 331 31000
Gich city Sar-e Pul Afghanistan 35.65 66.85 5433 1500
Gich city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.21 67.01 9228 3725
Gich city Pakistan 36.10 73.94 6742 7952
Gich Gāh city Pakistan 35.40 73.99 5357 6705
Gich'i city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.03 38.43 7549 16174
Gich'i city Oromiya Ethiopia 8.67 39.05 6709 21295
Gich'uma city Amara Ethiopia 10.57 39.71 10236 14120
Gicha Manjeri city Odisha India 18.71 83.05 3349 17545
Gichage city Nakuru Kenya -0.33 35.85 8389 21671
Gichagiini city Murang'a Kenya -0.80 36.89 6709 57348
Gichalier city Jonglei South Sudan 6.70 33.05 1669 447
Gichantsy city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 54.91 27.91 830 1192
Gicharani city Kiambu Kenya -1.28 36.66 6272 151587
Giche city Manica Mozambique -20.26 32.94 1863 3576
Gicheha city Kiambu Kenya -1.02 36.92 5869 93929
Gicheon-ri city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.17 126.91 173 17973
Gicheongok city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 36.95 126.92 49 6066
Gichera city Embu Kenya -0.45 37.60 4507 61690
Gicherra city Libya 29.28 21.63 111 0
Gicheru city Kiambu Kenya -1.18 36.57 6709 22909
Gicheru city Kiambu Kenya -1.20 36.54 5869 16534
Gichhi city Pakistan 35.40 74.01 5206 6705
Gichhpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.60 74.24 6709 26883
Gichi city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 54.71 30.91 830 1490
Gichi Darreh city Kermanshah Iran 34.72 47.37 6171 2767
Gichi Kiiwenging city Ontario Canada 43.67 -79.42 347 559282
Gichiche city Embu Kenya -0.43 37.59 5029 70616
Gichiengo city Kiambu Kenya -0.95 36.62 8389 31941
Gichimi city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.30 127.42 830 79213
Gichineh city Lorestan Iran 33.76 48.78 5029 22815
Gichira city Nyeri Kenya -0.47 37.02 5869 70409
Gichitse city Brestskaya Oblast' Belarus 52.67 25.44 830 1788
Gichitsy city Brestskaya Oblast' Belarus 52.67 25.44 830 1788
Gichlān city Punjab Pakistan 28.49 70.21 262 45515
Gicho city Fukuoka Japan 33.72 130.69 262 73460
Gicho city Benue Nigeria 7.78 8.08 367 10900
Gichocho city Kiambu Kenya -1.15 36.82 5869 123775
Gichongo city Kiambu Kenya -1.27 36.68 6076 226593
Gichoto city Kiambu Kenya -1.28 36.65 6709 129150
Gichugu city Murang'a Kenya -0.82 37.10 5029 70123
Gichun city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.24 -10.81 921 7221
Gichuru city Kiambu Kenya -1.16 36.67 6922 104707
Gichwa city Zinder Niger 13.92 9.41 1669 10240
Gichzar city Helmand Afghanistan 32.42 65.02 3517 3725
Gici city Cesu Novads Latvia 57.18 25.55 830 530
Gicialaukis city Alytus Lithuania 54.33 24.06 830 13181
Gicik city Ankara Turkey 40.06 32.97 3379 149150
Gicik city Antalya Turkey 36.18 32.47 1669 2963
Gicike city Ruyigi Burundi -3.60 30.40 4189 16345
Giciye city Ouest Rwanda -1.70 29.56 7549 56955
Gickelhausen city Bayern Germany 49.46 10.18 1669 8084
Gickelhof city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 49.68 9.42 1246 6604
Gickelsberg city Sachsen Germany 51.19 14.05 1200 5206
Gickelshaeuser city Sachsen Germany 51.11 14.30 1197 3813
Gickelshauser city Sachsen Germany 51.11 14.30 1197 3813
Gickova city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.94 13.41 39 2214
Gicombe city Kirundo Burundi -2.63 30.17 5029 39900
Gicomene city Niassa Mozambique -13.16 35.50 3749 1223
Gicontol city Eastern Samar Philippines 12.08 125.30 36 12214
Gicora city Giresun Turkey 40.28 38.65 5419 4917
Gicquel city Bretagne France 48.61 -2.83 200 14546
Gicu city Ngozi Burundi -2.81 29.86 5029 66881
Gicuba city Nord Rwanda -1.86 29.94 5869 53339
Gicuba city Nord Rwanda -1.60 29.91 6709 59974
Gicubuko city Sud Rwanda -2.58 29.74 5396 95257
Gicula city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.28 15.35 3746 2533
Gicula city Malanje Angola -8.35 16.41 2568 1639
Giculi-Cyungwe city Sud Rwanda -2.04 29.78 5974 60730
Gicumbi city Rutana Burundi -3.86 30.01 5997 14858
Gicumbi city Gitega Burundi -3.71 29.92 6128 35350
Gicumbi city Mwaro Burundi -3.46 29.62 6975 28594
Gicumbi city Ngozi Burundi -2.74 29.95 5029 47195
Gicumbi city Nord Rwanda -1.65 30.10 6860 51036
Gicumbi city Nord Rwanda -1.77 29.94 6709 54382
Gicumbo city Nord Rwanda -1.69 29.66 6099 63845
Gicumboro city Cankuzo Burundi -3.20 30.39 5114 9888
Gicumburo city Cankuzo Burundi -3.20 30.39 5114 9888
Gicungwe city Bururi Burundi -3.71 29.54 7116 25080
Gicurdek city Erzincan Turkey 39.79 39.30 5265 2108
Gicuregenya city Nord Rwanda -1.69 30.20 5305 43527
Gicye city Ouest Rwanda -1.70 29.56 7549 56955

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