
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ghet Barsce city Galguduud Somalia 3.70 46.87 830 894
Ghet Feghi city Shabeellaha Hoose Somalia 2.26 45.30 288 1914
Ghet Kalay city Zabul Afghanistan 31.98 67.88 7788 1490
Gheta city Soloman Islands -10.84 162.28 3 341
Gheta city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.82 74.24 6249 24314
Gheta city Himachal Pradesh India 32.19 75.86 1748 24920
Gheta Farm city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.00 -10.97 830 1297
Ghetar city Alba Romania 46.50 22.82 3704 2452
Ghetarua city Bihar India 25.10 84.14 255 96096
Gheti city Himachal Pradesh India 31.30 77.42 5869 19596
Gheti city Madhya Pradesh India 22.81 77.32 1669 15777
Gheti city Uttarakhand India 29.97 79.61 4189 14425
Ghetla Potāram city Andhra Pradesh India 17.60 78.37 1984 129930
Ghetlova city Orhei Moldova 47.38 28.53 830 8042
Ghetoune city Halab Syria 36.48 37.30 1669 5215
Ghetra city Bihar India 24.87 84.45 288 93945
Ghetret Lhiya city Chaouia-Ouardigha Morocco 33.70 -6.85 830 2533
Ghetto city Emilia-Romagna Italy 44.01 12.56 118 50504
Ghetu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.86 76.33 2011 43261
Ghetuli city Maharashtra India 19.68 76.18 1669 21506

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