
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gheba city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 33.97 73.02 2509 55696
Gheba Giandura city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.13 34.57 5029 5194
Ghebal - Telassa city Chlef Algeria 36.44 1.14 1040 8928
Ghebale city Mont-Liban Lebanon 34.05 35.72 2762 49609
Ghebalé city Mont-Liban Lebanon 34.06 35.72 2565 51444
Gheband city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.98 71.90 6223 25335
Ghebani city Gorj Romania 45.17 23.63 1669 6024
Ghebari city Vrancea Romania 45.78 26.77 1820 4246
Ghebas city Sumale Ethiopia 6.20 43.46 1040 745
Ghebawala city Punjab Pakistan 32.39 71.87 830 13432
Ghebbaa city Libya 32.09 13.01 2509 32558
Ghebe city Punjab India 32.17 75.65 912 66553
Ghebe di Dhok city Punjab Pakistan 33.52 72.46 1669 18619
Ghebewala city Punjab Pakistan 32.22 71.45 830 18153
Ghebewāla city Punjab Pakistan 32.43 71.82 830 15157
Ghebi city Georgia 42.77 43.51 5029 447
Ghebi city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 32.01 70.92 830 12069
Ghebida city Ngounie Gabon -1.22 11.27 1669 0
Ghebigaboda city Sumale Ethiopia 7.02 42.72 2509 1033
Ghebleh city Fars Iran 29.59 52.52 5029 109966
Gheboaia city Dambovita Romania 44.80 25.75 830 7879
Gheboasa city Dambovita Romania 45.07 25.60 1181 7787
Gheboeni city Dambovita Romania 44.98 25.30 1669 10660
Gheboieni city Dambovita Romania 44.98 25.30 1669 10660
Gheboula city Tanger-Tetouan Morocco 35.04 -4.77 2919 8046
Ghebra city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.01 75.58 6709 22165
Ghebro city Afar Ethiopia 14.35 40.23 -1689 3938
Ghebte Gholooe Aval city Fars Iran 29.78 52.76 5869 62576
Ghebte Gholooe Dovom city Fars Iran 29.79 52.76 5239 55390

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