
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dimsa city Amara Ethiopia 11.23 36.80 7037 25849
Dimsa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.42 84.00 216 80518
Dimsa city Vilnius Lithuania 54.94 25.23 830 2197
Dimsa city Nepal 28.11 85.33 9311 3725
Dimsahar city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.88 89.16 65 134867
Dimsala city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.30 75.42 7631 20912
Dimsay city Isabela Philippines 16.53 122.26 3 1356
Dimserk city Siirt Turkey 38.00 41.60 2509 2831
Dimshyay city Siauliai Lithuania 56.09 23.31 354 653
Dimshāw Hāshim city Al Minya Egypt 28.02 30.71 200 227054
Dimsibi city Western Papua New Guinea -8.64 142.25 226 149
Dimsisi city Western Papua New Guinea -8.64 142.25 226 149
Dimskoye city Amurskaya Oblast' Russia 49.66 128.43 364 596
Dimson city Pampanga Philippines 14.97 120.59 22 135886
Dimssiro city Fatick Senegal 14.07 -16.60 3 6395
Dimsura city Borno Nigeria 10.43 12.29 1213 9834

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