
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bumbo city Uige Angola -6.92 14.48 1994 2235
Bumbo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.06 21.95 2509 3087
Bumbo city Northern Sierra Leone 9.54 -12.22 830 25490
Bumbo city Manafwa Uganda 0.86 34.40 5029 66660
Bumbo city Mpigi Uganda 0.13 32.13 4189 30800
Bumbode city Binshangul Gumuz Ethiopia 11.23 34.95 1669 1359
Bumbodi city Binshangul Gumuz Ethiopia 11.23 34.95 1669 1359
Bumbodi city Blue Nile Sudan 11.23 34.98 1669 1026
Bumbogo city Kigali Rwanda -1.88 30.15 5994 42476
Bumbogo city Sud Rwanda -2.25 29.77 5869 60848
Bumbogo city Nord Rwanda -1.71 29.85 6112 54431
Bumbogo city Sud Rwanda -2.07 29.89 5314 48864
Bumbogo city Sud Rwanda -2.55 29.76 5869 84859
Bumboi city Mbale Uganda 1.05 34.23 5869 107901
Bumboima city Gbarpolu Liberia 6.98 -10.52 830 149
Bumboko city Shefa Vanuatu -16.82 168.27 0 1058
Bumbolo city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.78 -10.75 1669 2682
Bumbon city Lampung Indonesia -5.08 104.16 2585 7403
Bumboosie city Zimbabwe -18.53 26.18 3349 0
Bumboosie Extension city Zimbabwe -18.52 26.15 2864 0
Bumboret city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.68 71.65 7759 2682
Bumbota city Ungheni Moldova 47.34 27.97 830 5811

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