
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Athob city Rajasthan India 26.78 73.02 889 10281
Athog city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 32.35 71.23 830 13434
Athoin city Unity South Sudan 10.21 29.92 1669 1937
Athok city Ayeyawady Burma 17.20 95.08 36 34663
Athol city New South Wales Australia -33.55 149.30 2765 1010
Athol city Queensland Australia -24.50 145.18 898 0
Athol city Queensland Australia -27.61 151.75 1811 45
Athol city Nova Scotia Canada 45.68 -64.22 29 0
Athol city New Zealand -45.52 168.58 1669 0
Athol city Limpopo South Africa -24.72 31.35 1669 10389
Athol city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.15 27.91 6200 149
Athol city Limpopo South Africa -24.72 31.36 1669 9171
Athol city Idaho United States 47.95 -116.71 2509
Athol city Kansas United States 39.77 -98.92 1801
Athol city Kentucky United States 37.55 -83.56 830
Athol city Maryland United States 38.43 -75.79 16
Athol city Massachusetts United States 42.60 -72.23 830
Athol city Missouri United States 39.11 -94.48 895
Athol city Missouri United States 38.17 -94.38 830
Athol city New York United States 43.49 -73.84 830
Athol city South Dakota United States 45.01 -98.60 1669
Athol city Wyoming United States 41.01 -104.83 6197
Athol Glen city New South Wales Australia -30.03 153.03 908 300
Athol Junction city Massachusetts United States 42.13 -72.56 196
Athol Springs city New York United States 42.77 -78.87 830
Athol Vale city New South Wales Australia -34.53 149.62 2775 115
Atholdene city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -29.95 29.48 5029 3872
Atholdene city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -29.92 30.54 1955 1627
Athole city Mpumalanga South Africa -26.61 30.57 4409 697
Athole city North West South Africa -26.80 23.84 4189 1658
Athole city Mpumalanga South Africa -26.57 30.48 5062 434
Athole city Mpumalanga South Africa -26.57 30.51 5029 523
Athole Navorsingstasie city Mpumalanga South Africa -26.57 30.48 5062 434
Atholi city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.26 76.16 6249 298
Atholia city Rajasthan India 25.72 74.11 1817 18825
Atholl city Zimbabwe -19.43 31.10 5029 3576
Atholl Holme city South East Botswana -24.75 25.87 3372 8548
Atholl Place city Zimbabwe -17.35 30.42 4189 2682
Atholwood city New South Wales Australia -29.02 151.05 1177 0
Athon (historical) city Georgia United States 33.40 -83.56 830
Athondnān city Uttar Pradesh India 25.44 78.51 928 57113
Athone city Limpopo South Africa -25.00 28.53 3392 1758
Athoria city Uttar Pradesh India 26.33 81.85 334 81909
Athos city Aquitaine France 43.41 -0.97 249 3509
Athos city Arizona United States 34.95 -114.14 2509
Athos-Aspis city Aquitaine France 43.41 -0.97 249 3509
Athose city Franche-Comte France 47.08 6.31 2611 1898
Athotarwan city Punjab India 32.32 75.73 1669 122455

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