
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ardtalla city Argyll and Bute United Kingdom 55.70 -6.03 0 0
Ardtalnaig city Perth and Kinross United Kingdom 56.52 -4.10 1669 0
Ardtarig city Argyll and Bute United Kingdom 55.98 -5.12 0 0
Ardtoe city Highland United Kingdom 56.75 -5.87 49 0
Ardtonisch city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.47 27.87 3438 114
Ardtrea city Mid Ulster United Kingdom 54.63 -6.68 226 3875
Ardtully city Lu Ireland 53.99 -6.17 29 2478
Ardtully city Free State South Africa -28.26 28.92 5869 163
Ardtully city Lusaka Zambia -15.42 28.05 4189 5111

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