Alphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
ባሕር-ዳር | city | Amara | Ethiopia | 11.60 | 37.38 | 5869 | 183454 |
ባማኮ | city | Bamako | Mali | 12.65 | -8.00 | 1148 | 93771 |
ባረንቱ | city | Gash Barka | Eritrea | 15.11 | 37.59 | 3349 | 4172 |
ባርሴሎና | city | Cataluna | Spain | 41.40 | 2.17 | 68 | 1113403 |
ባስቴር | city | Saint George Basseterre | St. Kitts & Nevis | 17.30 | -62.72 | 3 | 10621 |
ባተርስት | city | New South Wales | Australia | -33.42 | 149.58 | 2641 | 20514 |
ባንኮክ | city | Krung Thep Maha Nakhon | Thailand | 13.75 | 100.50 | 6 | 1735259 |
ባንዳር ሰሪ ቤጋዋን | city | | Brunei | 4.88 | 114.93 | 3 | 47243 |
ባንጁል | city | Banjul | Gambia, The | 13.45 | -16.58 | 0 | 122771 |
ባንጊ | city | Bangui | Central African Republic | 4.37 | 18.58 | 1213 | 505477 |
ባኩ | city | Baki | Azerbaijan | 40.40 | 49.88 | 6 | 106368 |
ባዝል | city | Basel-Stadt | Switzerland | 47.56 | 7.57 | 872 | 231947 |
ባየርብሩን | city | Bayern | Germany | 48.02 | 11.49 | 1804 | 40327 |
ባድመ | city | Gash Barka | Eritrea | 14.73 | 37.80 | 3523 | 2831 |
ባግዳድ | city | Baghdad | Iraq | 33.34 | 44.40 | 134 | 349772 |
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