Alphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
કઞ્સ્કવલા | city | Lubelskie | Poland | 51.41 | 22.05 | 830 | 19141 |
કઠુઆ | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 32.37 | 75.53 | 1017 | 56313 |
કડલૂર | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.75 | 79.76 | 3 | 84178 |
કન્નોજ | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.06 | 79.92 | 830 | 103056 |
કરાચી | city | Sindh | Pakistan | 24.91 | 67.08 | 52 | 3037454 |
કરુર | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 10.96 | 78.08 | 390 | 91974 |
કરૌલી | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.50 | 77.03 | 895 | 80526 |
કાઠમંડુ | city | Bagmati | Nepal | 27.72 | 85.32 | 4261 | 309879 |
કારગિલ | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 34.56 | 76.13 | 9228 | 96249 |
કારવાર | city | Karnataka | India | 14.81 | 74.13 | 49 | 46454 |
કારાકાસ | city | Distrito Capital | Venezuela | 10.49 | -66.88 | 2913 | 157815 |
કુન્નુર | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.35 | 76.80 | 5446 | 80770 |
કુરુક્ષેત્ર | city | Haryana | India | 29.96 | 76.83 | 830 | 97346 |
કુરોવ | city | Lubelskie | Poland | 51.39 | 22.19 | 830 | 6702 |
કુર્નૂલ | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 15.83 | 78.03 | 905 | 208178 |
કૃષ્ણાગિરિ | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 12.53 | 78.22 | 2053 | 71398 |
કેપ ટાઉન | city | Western Cape | South Africa | -33.93 | 18.42 | 6 | 107000 |
કોઇમ્બતુર | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.01 | 76.97 | 1249 | 49529 |
કોટા | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.18 | 75.84 | 879 | 154713 |
કોટ્ટયમ | city | Kerala | India | 9.59 | 76.52 | 9 | 210083 |
કોપ્પલ | city | Karnataka | India | 15.35 | 76.15 | 1732 | 86905 |
કોલંબિયા | city | South Carolina | United States | 34.00 | -81.03 | 278 | |
કોલંબો | city | Western | Sri Lanka | 6.93 | 79.85 | 16 | 107875 |
કોલકાતા | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
કોલ્લમ | city | Kerala | India | 8.88 | 76.58 | 3 | 320022 |
કોળિક્કોટ્ | city | Kerala | India | 11.25 | 75.78 | 6 | 187787 |
કોહિમા | city | Nagaland | India | 25.67 | 94.11 | 5029 | 79885 |
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