
Alphabetical listing of Places in United Kingdom

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Àidīngbǎo city City of Edinburgh United Kingdom 55.95 -3.20 104 102042
Àird Lusa city Argyll and Bute United Kingdom 56.02 -5.77 0 0
Ànsruthair city Fife United Kingdom 56.22 -2.70 0 5395
Àrd Laoigh city Argyll and Bute United Kingdom 56.30 -4.72 219 0
Àrnasdal city Highland United Kingdom 57.13 -5.55 305 0
Àth na Sglèata city City of Edinburgh United Kingdom 55.92 -3.23 830 113288
Àth nan Damh city Oxfordshire United Kingdom 51.75 -1.25 226 154931

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