Directory of Cities and Towns in Sheema, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Sheema

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Birere city Sheema Uganda -0.44 30.44 5124 35943
Bugongi city Sheema Uganda -0.63 30.25 5059 44057
Buraro city Sheema Uganda -0.73 30.18 5029 38815
Burere city Sheema Uganda -0.44 30.44 5124 35943
Bwangamba city Sheema Uganda -0.52 30.42 5029 40852
Bwengamba city Sheema Uganda -0.52 30.42 5029 40852
Itegyero city Sheema Uganda -0.62 30.32 5029 43600
Itendero city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.42 5029 43261
Itozho city Sheema Uganda -0.66 30.41 4566 35548
Kabura city Sheema Uganda -0.55 30.42 5029 42766
Kabusye city Sheema Uganda -0.47 30.40 5029 40941
Kagango city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.39 5029 51179
Kagonge city Sheema Uganda -0.63 30.38 5029 42089
Katanoga city Sheema Uganda -0.48 30.40 5029 43591
Kibingo city Sheema Uganda -0.63 30.44 5029 32793
Kigarama city Sheema Uganda -0.50 30.39 5029 46402
Kinyemi city Sheema Uganda -0.67 30.13 5029 43393
Kitagata city Sheema Uganda -0.67 30.16 5029 43253
Kiziba city Sheema Uganda -0.62 30.40 5029 41203
Kyagazhu city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.38 5029 52504
Kyembugu city Sheema Uganda -0.65 30.33 5029 36612
Lukondo city Sheema Uganda -0.70 30.17 5029 39209
Lutoma city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.38 5029 52504
Maseruka city Sheema Uganda -0.46 30.40 5029 38524
Maseruku city Sheema Uganda -0.46 30.40 5029 38524
Masheruka city Sheema Uganda -0.46 30.40 5029 38524
Mikyerere city Sheema Uganda -0.63 30.37 5029 42212
Muhito city Sheema Uganda -0.70 30.17 5029 38241
Mukyerere city Sheema Uganda -0.63 30.37 5029 42212
Mushanga city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.35 5141 53097
Mutozho city Sheema Uganda -0.53 30.33 5029 49889
Muzira city Sheema Uganda -0.47 30.37 5029 38534
Ngoma city Sheema Uganda -0.62 30.42 5029 37316
Nyabihoko city Sheema Uganda -0.58 30.33 5029 51655
Nyabubale city Sheema Uganda -0.67 30.23 5104 39628
Nyafumura city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.35 5141 53097
Nyakabirizi city Sheema Uganda -0.48 30.33 5134 41049
Nyakatuntu city Sheema Uganda -0.70 30.35 5111 30388
Nyakibere city Sheema Uganda -0.70 30.23 5049 32787
Nyamufumura city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.35 5141 53097
Ruhoko city Sheema Uganda -0.70 30.29 5029 28552
Ruhoko city Sheema Uganda -0.65 30.25 5029 41606
Rutoma city Sheema Uganda -0.57 30.38 5029 52504
Shuku city Sheema Uganda -0.67 30.32 5029 31127

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