Directory of Cities and Towns in Ntoroko, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Ntoroko

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Isojo city Ntoroko Uganda 0.86 30.21 3608 6101
Itojo city Ntoroko Uganda 0.86 30.21 3608 6101
Kahondo city Ntoroko Uganda 1.03 30.32 2509 3046
Karogoto city Ntoroko Uganda 0.77 30.22 4189 19362
Kichwamba city Ntoroko Uganda 0.74 30.17 5869 26201
Makondo city Ntoroko Uganda 1.08 30.30 1948 5056
Ntoroko city Ntoroko Uganda 1.04 30.48 1801 3196
Ntungama city Ntoroko Uganda 0.95 30.37 2509 775
Nyabusokoma city Ntoroko Uganda 0.80 30.23 3349 12305
Nyakasenyi city Ntoroko Uganda 1.07 30.50 1991 4705
Rwamabale city Ntoroko Uganda 0.92 30.18 2509 4311
Rwebisengo city Ntoroko Uganda 1.05 30.27 2007 4517
Rwebishengo city Ntoroko Uganda 1.05 30.27 2007 4517
Wasa city Ntoroko Uganda 0.78 30.25 3435 17389

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