Directory of Cities and Towns in Kyegegwa, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Kyegegwa

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Butoke Butano city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.47 31.13 4327 13591
Butokebulamu city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.47 31.13 4327 13591
Kakabara city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.55 30.94 4576 5955
Kasolosolo city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.52 31.18 4603 12586
Kasule city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.53 31.17 4550 11109
Katente city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.50 31.10 4317 11283
Kawula city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.54 31.16 4550 10068
Kyegegwa city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.50 31.04 4458 10467
Lukwemigo city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.55 31.17 4278 8606
Mparo city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.42 30.93 4576 4562
Nyamugura city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.65 31.05 4189 5649
Omurwera city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.52 31.00 4429 8039
Ruchwemigo city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.55 31.17 4278 8606
Sunga city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.57 31.25 4258 7028
Wekomire city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.45 31.02 4560 9839

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