Directory of Cities and Towns in Buikwe, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Buikwe

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bibo city Buikwe Uganda 0.35 32.88 4189 39941
Bubiro city Buikwe Uganda 0.20 33.05 4324 17000
Bubwa city Buikwe Uganda 0.12 32.90 4189 8051
Bugabe city Buikwe Uganda 0.53 32.98 3576 18643
Bugoma city Buikwe Uganda 0.43 33.03 4189 17068
Bugule city Buikwe Uganda 0.43 33.10 4189 51715
Bugungu city Buikwe Uganda 0.40 33.20 4189 132863
Buikwe city Buikwe Uganda 0.34 33.01 4189 40074
Bujuta city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.15 4189 71100
Bujuto city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.15 4189 71100
Bukubizi city Buikwe Uganda 0.35 33.20 4189 38391
Bukuja city Buikwe Uganda 0.33 32.93 4189 50826
Bukunja city Buikwe Uganda 0.12 32.95 4189 10492
Bukunja city Buikwe Uganda 0.12 32.98 3756 9831
Bulamagi city Buikwe Uganda 0.42 33.13 4189 68964
Bulamba city Buikwe Uganda 0.40 33.19 4189 127097
Buloba city Buikwe Uganda 0.48 33.13 4189 71221
Busabaga city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 32.90 4189 33707
Busagazi city Buikwe Uganda 0.22 33.12 3717 7973
Butakola city Buikwe Uganda 0.17 32.98 4189 18827
Buwaga city Buikwe Uganda 0.13 32.98 4189 11293
Buwaya city Buikwe Uganda 0.13 32.98 4189 11293
Buwola city Buikwe Uganda 0.43 33.05 4478 18254
Buyiri city Buikwe Uganda 0.22 32.90 4189 26257
Buyomba city Buikwe Uganda 0.33 32.95 4189 50635
Dangala city Buikwe Uganda 0.40 32.98 4189 48301
Daru city Buikwe Uganda 0.42 33.17 4189 146803
Gaba city Buikwe Uganda 0.10 32.93 4189 8062
Gangu city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.03 4189 32456
Golomolo city Buikwe Uganda 0.26 33.08 3717 19483
Kabugoga city Buikwe Uganda 0.31 33.15 3717 27428
Kabugoge city Buikwe Uganda 0.31 33.15 3717 27428
Kalagala city Buikwe Uganda 0.25 33.02 4189 26788
Kamuli city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.12 4189 46616
Kasirye city Buikwe Uganda 0.23 33.03 4189 20769
Kasokoso city Buikwe Uganda 0.42 33.02 4189 16698
Kasubi city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 32.97 4189 36935
Kigenda city Buikwe Uganda 0.28 32.92 4189 36133
Kikaja city Buikwe Uganda 0.17 32.92 4189 16163
Kikakanya city Buikwe Uganda 0.25 33.02 4278 26788
Kimera city Buikwe Uganda 0.20 32.98 4189 26461
Kinoni city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.05 4189 33118
Kiringo city Buikwe Uganda 0.21 33.02 4360 22609
Kiyunga city Buikwe Uganda 0.45 33.13 4294 76103
Kizigo city Buikwe Uganda 0.35 33.07 4189 39470
Koba city Buikwe Uganda 0.32 33.00 4189 41300
Lugala city Buikwe Uganda 0.40 33.05 4189 24002
Lugala city Buikwe Uganda 0.08 32.92 3717 4614
Lugalambo city Buikwe Uganda 0.40 33.08 4189 27892
Lugazi city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 32.92 4189 62455
Lugazis city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 32.92 4189 62455
Luleka city Buikwe Uganda 0.18 33.01 4333 19611
Luwala city Buikwe Uganda 0.45 33.12 4199 68622
Luyanzi city Buikwe Uganda 0.35 32.93 4189 62467
Madda city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 32.92 4189 35596
Maigwe city Buikwe Uganda 0.12 32.95 4189 10492
Makindu city Buikwe Uganda 0.28 33.08 4189 24684
Makonge city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 33.02 4189 38732
Malongwe city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 33.02 4189 36668
Maseke city Buikwe Uganda 0.20 32.93 4189 25144
Matale city Buikwe Uganda 0.28 32.97 4189 37134
Misindye city Buikwe Uganda 0.37 33.03 4189 34875
Mpogo city Buikwe Uganda 0.33 33.13 4189 36387
Naja city Buikwe Uganda 0.31 33.10 4219 34839
Najembe city Buikwe Uganda 0.41 33.04 4189 21478
Najumba city Buikwe Uganda 0.37 32.92 4189 62823
Nakaseta city Buikwe Uganda 0.22 32.97 4189 30722
Nakatyaba city Buikwe Uganda 0.27 32.98 4189 36575
Naluvule city Buikwe Uganda 0.50 33.02 4189 25155
Namaziba city Buikwe Uganda 0.39 33.19 4189 105984
Namukuma city Buikwe Uganda 0.18 32.93 4189 18718
Namusa city Buikwe Uganda 0.45 32.97 4189 15132
Namwezi city Buikwe Uganda 0.43 33.15 4327 119481
Nansagazi city Buikwe Uganda 0.12 32.98 3756 9831
Ngogwe city Buikwe Uganda 0.24 32.97 4189 34063
Njeru city Buikwe Uganda 0.42 33.17 4189 146803
Nkokonjeru city Buikwe Uganda 0.24 32.90 4189 30526
Nsenya city Buikwe Uganda 0.32 32.93 4189 45151
Nsonga city Buikwe Uganda 0.20 32.90 4189 21907
Nyenga city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 33.14 4189 58207
Sanga city Buikwe Uganda 0.28 33.12 4274 24559
Senyi city Buikwe Uganda 0.17 33.03 4189 16171
Sese city Buikwe Uganda 0.43 32.98 4189 27077
Sugu city Buikwe Uganda 0.27 32.97 4189 37238
Sugu city Buikwe Uganda 0.17 32.93 4189 16860
Tebalowoza city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 32.97 4189 57990
Vumba city Buikwe Uganda 0.30 32.90 4189 33707
Ziba city Buikwe Uganda 0.25 32.95 4189 36813
Zintengese city Buikwe Uganda 0.50 32.98 3628 12253
Zintengeze city Buikwe Uganda 0.50 32.98 3628 12253
لوگازی city Buikwe Uganda 0.38 32.92 4189 62455

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