Directory of Cities and Towns in Bushenyi, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Bushenyi

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bugalama city Bushenyi Uganda -0.49 30.27 5186 41142
Bugarama city Bushenyi Uganda -0.49 30.27 5186 41142
Bumbaire city Bushenyi Uganda -0.58 30.20 5137 50462
Bushenyi city Bushenyi Uganda -0.59 30.21 5150 49754
Buyanja city Bushenyi Uganda -0.60 30.23 5042 48071
Bweranyangi city Bushenyi Uganda -0.55 30.22 5118 49107
Ekininga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.48 30.22 5029 36393
Enengo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.48 30.23 5029 34767
Ishaka city Bushenyi Uganda -0.54 30.14 5869 61410
Kakanhzu city Bushenyi Uganda -0.50 30.20 5052 45446
Kakanzhu city Bushenyi Uganda -0.50 30.20 5052 45446
Kakanzu city Bushenyi Uganda -0.50 30.20 5052 45446
Kashenyi city Bushenyi Uganda -0.58 30.13 5357 60393
Kayanta city Bushenyi Uganda -0.55 30.28 5029 50596
Kibingo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.50 30.10 5295 48772
Kitozho city Bushenyi Uganda -0.46 30.14 5029 46291
Kutolo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.38 30.12 5029 18262
Kyamahungu city Bushenyi Uganda -0.45 30.11 5029 34608
Kyamugabo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.63 30.15 5075 49988
Kyamuhunga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.45 30.11 5029 34608
Kyamumali city Bushenyi Uganda -0.47 30.15 5029 48878
Kyeizoba city Bushenyi Uganda -0.57 30.27 5029 49332
Kyeizobo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.57 30.27 5029 49332
Kyezioba city Bushenyi Uganda -0.57 30.27 5029 49332
Makota city Bushenyi Uganda -0.58 30.13 5357 58900
Muengula city Bushenyi Uganda -0.60 30.27 5029 47472
Muengura city Bushenyi Uganda -0.60 30.27 5029 47472
Mukora city Bushenyi Uganda -0.48 30.30 5075 41288
Mwengura city Bushenyi Uganda -0.60 30.27 5029 47472
Nkoni city Bushenyi Uganda -0.58 30.28 5088 49124
Nyabubale city Bushenyi Uganda -0.56 30.10 5265 60795
Nyakabanga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.52 30.28 5059 48413
Nyakabingo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.48 30.18 5164 44303
Nyakishozo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.52 30.13 5111 59966
Nyamiaga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.56 30.28 5144 50313
Nyamiyaga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.45 30.10 5029 28857
Nyanga city Bushenyi Uganda -0.45 30.17 5029 39365
Nyarutoma city Bushenyi Uganda -0.52 30.08 5111 47551
Nzheru city Bushenyi Uganda -0.63 30.13 5118 49939
Rubuzigye city Bushenyi Uganda -0.48 30.08 5354 31884
Ruhobo city Bushenyi Uganda -0.53 30.17 5419 57492
Ryabagoma city Bushenyi Uganda -0.45 30.12 5029 38004

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