
Alphabetical listing of Places in Rukwa

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Laela city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.57 32.05 5029 4768
Laela city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.62 31.80 5029 4768
Lalangulu city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.12 31.13 3349 1077
Lambila city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.00 31.57 6036 27034
Legeza city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.33 31.05 4553 2533
Liele city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.38 31.28 6007 1730
Loleshya city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.30 32.22 4189 4768
Lusembwa city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.82 31.37 6988 2533
Lwangi city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.80 31.77 3349 4714
Lyele city Rukwa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.38 31.28 6007 1730

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