UpAlphabetical listing of Places in Tanga
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Kuani | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.35 | 38.65 | 830 | 4652 |
Kulasi | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.83 | 38.57 | 1827 | 14641 |
Kuluni | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.05 | 38.95 | 206 | 8940 |
Kumbamtoni | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.62 | 38.48 | 4301 | 16241 |
Kumbamtoni | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.40 | 38.95 | 0 | 3647 |
Kumburu | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.22 | 38.88 | 830 | 8861 |
Kunga | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.07 | 38.38 | 3497 | 5215 |
Kunga | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.02 | 38.27 | 1669 | 5215 |
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