
Alphabetical listing of Places in Coast

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tarawanda city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.48 38.47 830 0
Tawi city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.28 38.87 997 1937
Tirene city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.88 39.69 3 6427
Titu city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.39 38.71 830 4917
Tondwa city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.86 39.75 3 10830
Tongani city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.76 39.83 3 6754
Tumbuju city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.82 39.74 3 5145

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