
Alphabetical listing of Places in Coast

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chaduma city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.10 38.68 830 4917
Chakengi city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.65 38.83 291 0
Chale city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.25 38.77 1059 4917
Chalinze city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.60 38.35 830 0
Chamangwe city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.57 38.97 160 0
Chambezi city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.52 38.92 127 14293
Changombe city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.16 38.82 1036 4917
Chanika city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.01 39.09 374 4807
Chole city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.98 39.77 3 3148
Chole city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.34 38.67 1108 4917
Chole Samvula city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.34 38.67 1108 4917
Chunguruma city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.84 39.76 3 10213

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