
Alphabetical listing of Places in Switzerland

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Realp city Uri Switzerland 46.60 8.50 5869 457
Realta city Grigioni Switzerland 46.73 9.43 2096 7389
Reams city Grigioni Switzerland 46.61 9.58 4189 1539
Rebstein city Sankt Gallen Switzerland 47.40 9.59 1669 39631
Rechthalten city Freiburg Switzerland 46.77 7.24 2890 12807
Reckingen city Valais Switzerland 46.47 8.24 5029 994
Reckingen-Gluringen city Valais Switzerland 46.47 8.24 5029 994
Reconvilier city Bern Switzerland 47.23 7.23 2696 9787
Redoute city Vaud Switzerland 46.38 6.23 1213 32448
Regenloch city Nidwalden Switzerland 46.99 8.42 1669 18896
Regenrüti city Nidwalden Switzerland 46.99 8.43 1669 15845
Regensberg city Zurich Switzerland 47.48 8.44 1669 41690
Regensdorf city Zurich Switzerland 47.43 8.47 1669 141840
Regoredus city Grigioni Switzerland 46.24 9.13 1870 4457
Rehetobel city Appenzell Ausserrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.48 3349 43601
Reichenau city Grigioni Switzerland 46.83 9.41 2509 8571
Reichenbach city Bern Switzerland 46.63 7.69 3349 10551
Reichenbach im Kandertal city Bern Switzerland 46.63 7.69 3349 10551
Reichenburg city Schwyz Switzerland 47.17 8.98 1669 17659
Reide city Luzern Switzerland 47.25 7.97 1811 28201
Reiden city Luzern Switzerland 47.25 7.97 1811 28201
Reigoldswil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.69 1837 10749
Rein Posteriur city Grigioni Switzerland 46.53 9.20 5869 448
Reinach city Aargau Switzerland 47.26 8.19 1991 29717
Reinach (AG) city Aargau Switzerland 47.26 8.19 1991 29717
Reinach AG city Aargau Switzerland 47.26 8.19 1991 29717
Reischen city Grigioni Switzerland 46.64 9.45 4507 3141
Rekingen city Aargau Switzerland 47.57 8.32 1669 31599
Rekingen (AG) city Aargau Switzerland 47.57 8.32 1669 31599
Rempen city Schwyz Switzerland 47.14 8.90 2791 13597
Remues city Grigioni Switzerland 46.83 10.38 3707 604
Remus city Grigioni Switzerland 46.83 10.38 3707 604
Renan city Bern Switzerland 47.13 6.93 3349 7022
Renan BE city Bern Switzerland 47.13 6.93 3349 7022
Renan i Sveits city Bern Switzerland 47.13 6.93 3349 7022
Renens city Vaud Switzerland 46.54 6.59 1669 125400
Rengg city Schwyz Switzerland 47.00 8.50 1669 8612
Reninus city Grigioni Switzerland 46.74 9.23 4189 3970
Rennen city Bern Switzerland 47.13 6.93 3349 7022
Rennendorf city Jura Switzerland 47.34 7.37 1669 18895
Rescerasca city Ticino Switzerland 46.11 8.68 1975 5463
Reuchenette city Bern Switzerland 47.19 7.25 3349 51428
Reusch city Bern Switzerland 46.36 7.24 5869 2192
Reutigen city Bern Switzerland 46.69 7.62 2004 33995
Revoeira city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.99 4307 18687
Revoira city Ticino Switzerland 46.15 8.96 1919 19609
Revöira city Ticino Switzerland 46.13 8.99 4307 18687

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