
Alphabetical listing of Places in Switzerland

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lichtensteig city Sankt Gallen Switzerland 47.34 9.08 2509 15476
Liddes city Valais Switzerland 45.99 7.19 5029 925
Liebefeld city Bern Switzerland 46.93 7.41 2509 132602
Liebistorf city Freiburg Switzerland 46.91 7.20 1722 15897
Lieli city Luzern Switzerland 47.21 8.30 2509 7133
Lieli LU city Luzern Switzerland 47.21 8.30 2509 7133
Lienz city Sankt Gallen Switzerland 47.28 9.52 1669 13475
Liesberg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.43 1669 8789
Liestal city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Ligers city Bern Switzerland 47.09 7.14 1669 7456
Ligerz city Bern Switzerland 47.09 7.14 1669 7456
Lignieres city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.08 7.07 2604 12833
Lignières NE city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.08 7.07 2604 12833
Lignières i Neuchâtel city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.08 7.07 2604 12833
Ligornetto city Ticino Switzerland 45.86 8.95 1167 48918
Ligurnet city Ticino Switzerland 45.86 8.95 1167 48918
Lindau city Zurich Switzerland 47.44 8.67 1712 58826
Lindau ZH city Zurich Switzerland 47.44 8.67 1712 58826
Lindau i Sveits city Zurich Switzerland 47.44 8.67 1712 58826
Linden city Bern Switzerland 46.85 7.67 3349 11616
Linden BE city Bern Switzerland 46.85 7.67 3349 11616
Linden bei Oberdiessbach city Bern Switzerland 46.85 7.67 3349 11616
Linden i Sveits city Bern Switzerland 46.85 7.67 3349 11616
Lindenachum city Bern Switzerland 47.00 7.42 1847 98725
Lindenhof city Bern Switzerland 46.99 7.06 1669 10363
Lindenthal city Bern Switzerland 46.98 7.56 2736 29211
Linieri city Neuchatel Switzerland 47.08 7.07 2604 12833
Lintauvia city Zurich Switzerland 47.44 8.67 1712 58826
Linthal city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Linthal GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Linththal city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Liplisbühl city Uri Switzerland 46.93 8.75 5029 1751
Lipplisbuhl city Uri Switzerland 46.93 8.75 5029 1751
Lisone city Ticino Switzerland 46.02 8.89 1049 42220
Lisora city Ticino Switzerland 45.99 8.82 915 23120
Listalis city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Littau city Luzern Switzerland 47.05 8.26 1991 100546
Littewil city Bern Switzerland 46.96 7.59 2933 19059
Liucerna city Luzern Switzerland 47.08 8.27 1669 95576

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