Directory of Cities and Towns in Zug, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Zug

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Agregia Inferior city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.59 2509 23040
Baar city Zug Switzerland 47.20 8.53 1669 56843
Buonas city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.45 1669 33067
Cham city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.46 1669 48678
Cham ZG city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.46 1669 48678
Cham i Sveits city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.46 1669 48678
Cugas city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
Gubel city Zug Switzerland 47.16 8.57 3349 39665
Hunenberg city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.42 1669 33298
Hüneberg city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.42 1669 33298
Hünenberg ZG city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.42 1669 33298
Kuenz city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.57 2568 41049
Kuoni city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.57 2568 41049
Kuonz city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.57 2568 41049
Menzingen city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.59 2703 27390
Menzingen ZG city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.59 2703 27390
Neuheim city Zug Switzerland 47.20 8.58 2509 39625
Rotchrüz city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.43 1669 29820
Rotkreuz city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.43 1669 29820
Sihlbrucke city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.58 2690 35381
Sihlbrugg city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.58 2690 35381
Sihlbrugg Dorf city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.58 2690 35381
Steihuse city Zug Switzerland 47.20 8.49 1669 51245
Steinhausen city Zug Switzerland 47.20 8.49 1669 51245
Tugium city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
Unteraegeri city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.59 2509 23040
Unterägeri city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.59 2509 23040
Walchwil city Zug Switzerland 47.10 8.52 2083 23582
Zoug city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
Zug city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
Zugo city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
Ägeri city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.59 2509 23040
Менцинген city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.59 2703 27390
Унтерегери city Zug Switzerland 47.14 8.59 2509 23040
Хам city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.46 1669 48678
Хюненберг city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.42 1669 33298
Цуг city Zug Switzerland 47.17 8.52 1669 54433
شم، سوئیس city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.46 1669 48678
休倫堡 city Zug Switzerland 47.18 8.42 1669 33298

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