Directory of Cities and Towns in Uri, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Uri

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aesch city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.80 6709 1198
Altdorf city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Altdorf (UR) city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Altdorf UR city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Altdorf i Sveits city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Altdorfas city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Amsteg city Uri Switzerland 46.77 8.67 2509 1440
Andermatt city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
Argseeli city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.93 5869 1377
Artofe city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Atinghauzenas city Uri Switzerland 46.86 8.63 1669 19892
Attinghausen city Uri Switzerland 46.86 8.63 1669 19892
Balmenegg city Uri Switzerland 46.78 8.77 4432 1149
Bauen city Uri Switzerland 46.94 8.58 1669 2724
Birtschen city Uri Switzerland 46.83 8.65 3769 13250
Boden city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.58 4452 6655
Bolzbach city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.59 1669 11721
Bristen city Uri Switzerland 46.77 8.69 3349 1340
Burgilla city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Bühlrüti city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.52 5869 1611
Bürglen city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Bürglen (UR) city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Bürglen UR city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Bürglen i Uri city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Chneuwis city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.50 4511 3188
Eggen city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.50 4511 2527
Erstfeld city Uri Switzerland 46.82 8.65 1909 10460
Farnigen city Uri Switzerland 46.73 8.52 5029 691
Fernigen city Uri Switzerland 46.73 8.52 5029 691
Flueln city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.63 3349 16382
Gosheneralp city Uri Switzerland 46.65 8.48 5879 400
Gurtnellen city Uri Switzerland 46.74 8.62 2555 744
Göschenen city Uri Switzerland 46.67 8.59 5075 805
Göschenenalp city Uri Switzerland 46.65 8.48 5879 400
Heitmannsegg city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.80 5029 1198
Hergersboden city Uri Switzerland 46.89 8.90 6709 1365
Hint Schweig city Uri Switzerland 46.58 8.50 7654 473
Hospental city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.57 6295 964
Hospenthal city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.57 6295 964
Hospicium city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.57 6295 964
Hundwald city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.53 5029 1638
Husen city Uri Switzerland 46.72 8.57 4189 539
In der Schweig city Uri Switzerland 46.58 8.50 7654 473
Intsche city Uri Switzerland 46.76 8.65 3425 1376
Intschi city Uri Switzerland 46.76 8.65 3425 1376
Intšči city Uri Switzerland 46.76 8.65 3425 1376
Isental city Uri Switzerland 46.91 8.56 4353 2787
Isenthal city Uri Switzerland 46.91 8.56 4353 2787
Isleten city Uri Switzerland 46.92 8.59 1669 8465
Kinzeralp city Uri Switzerland 46.92 8.73 5869 1842
Kneuwis city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.50 4511 3188
Kulm city Uri Switzerland 46.83 8.60 6095 7908
Liplisbühl city Uri Switzerland 46.93 8.75 5029 1751
Lipplisbuhl city Uri Switzerland 46.93 8.75 5029 1751
Loch city Uri Switzerland 46.65 8.60 6709 1087
Mätteli city Uri Switzerland 46.59 8.56 7549 1108
Oberfeld city Uri Switzerland 46.85 8.70 7030 8689
Orsera city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
Orthalden city Uri Switzerland 46.89 8.94 6236 1239
Pfaffensprung city Uri Switzerland 46.71 8.61 4350 588
Protocampus city Uri Switzerland 46.82 8.65 1909 10460
Realp city Uri Switzerland 46.60 8.50 5869 457
Riedlig city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.73 6876 2513
Rueras city Uri Switzerland 46.75 8.68 7034 1093
Rutli city Uri Switzerland 46.97 8.59 1669 10470
Saint Gotthard city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.62 7582 1469
Saint-Gothard city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.62 7582 1469
San Gottardo city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.62 7582 1469
Sankt Gotthard city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.62 7582 1469
Sankt Jakob city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.52 4514 2424
Schattdorf city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.65 3382 21079
Seedorf city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Seedorf (UR) city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Seedorf UR city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Seedorf i Uri city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Seelisberg city Uri Switzerland 46.97 8.59 1669 9232
Silenen city Uri Switzerland 46.79 8.67 4189 3304
Sisikon city Uri Switzerland 46.95 8.62 2719 8193
Spiringen city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.73 3608 4448
Spitelrüti city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.88 5869 1296
Stock city Uri Switzerland 46.93 8.65 6240 10110
Tiefenbach city Uri Switzerland 46.59 8.46 6236 218
Treib city Uri Switzerland 46.99 8.59 1669 12848
Unter Egg city Uri Switzerland 46.90 8.50 4511 2527
Unterschächen city Uri Switzerland 46.86 8.77 3736 1145
Ursera city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
Vorder Boden city Uri Switzerland 46.83 8.75 4596 1606
Vorfrutt city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.87 5869 1229
Wassen city Uri Switzerland 46.71 8.60 3759 573
Wassen UR city Uri Switzerland 46.71 8.60 3759 573
Wiggen city Uri Switzerland 46.67 8.52 5246 481
Wiler city Uri Switzerland 46.73 8.65 6059 839
Zumdorf city Uri Switzerland 46.61 8.54 6765 689
Алтдорф city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Альтдорф city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Андермат city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
Андерматт city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
Аттингхаузен city Uri Switzerland 46.86 8.63 1669 19892
Бюрглен city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.67 2785 20861
Вассен city Uri Switzerland 46.71 8.60 3759 573
Горад Альтдорф city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
Гуртнеллен city Uri Switzerland 46.74 8.62 2555 744
Гёшенен city Uri Switzerland 46.67 8.59 5075 805
Зедорф city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Зеедорф city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
Зеелисберг city Uri Switzerland 46.97 8.59 1669 9232
Зелисберг city Uri Switzerland 46.97 8.59 1669 9232
Зизикон city Uri Switzerland 46.95 8.62 2719 8193
Изенталь city Uri Switzerland 46.91 8.56 4353 2787
Интши city Uri Switzerland 46.76 8.65 3425 1376
Реальп city Uri Switzerland 46.60 8.50 5869 457
Унтершехен city Uri Switzerland 46.86 8.77 3736 1145
Хоспенталь city Uri Switzerland 46.62 8.57 6295 964
Шатдорф city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.65 3382 21079
Шпиринген city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.73 3608 4448
Эрстфельд city Uri Switzerland 46.82 8.65 1909 10460
אלטדורף city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
ألتدورف city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
أندرمات city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
ارسٹفیلڈ city Uri Switzerland 46.82 8.65 1909 10460
الدورف، سوئٹزر لینڈ city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
الدورف، سوئیس city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
الٹڈورف city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
سپرنگن city Uri Switzerland 46.87 8.73 3608 4448
واسن city Uri Switzerland 46.71 8.60 3759 573
گوشنن city Uri Switzerland 46.67 8.59 5075 805
ალტდორფი city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
ანდერმატი city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
გეშენენი city Uri Switzerland 46.67 8.59 5075 805
アルトドルフ city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
アンデルマット city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
ゼードルフ city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.62 1669 16700
阿爾特多夫 city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532
안데르마트 city Uri Switzerland 46.64 8.59 5446 1103
알트도르프 city Uri Switzerland 46.88 8.64 1860 20532

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