Directory of Cities and Towns in Obwalden, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Obwalden

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aecherli city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.18 2700 2888
Aelggi Alm city Obwalden Switzerland 46.80 8.24 6709 2029
Aelggi Alp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.80 8.24 6709 2029
Alpenachus city Obwalden Switzerland 46.94 8.27 1669 18093
Alpnach city Obwalden Switzerland 46.94 8.27 1669 18093
Alpnachstad city Obwalden Switzerland 46.95 8.28 1669 20803
Angelorum mons city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
Arni Alm city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.25 6072 3473
Arni Alp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.25 6072 3473
Arni Alp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.80 8.09 6709 3799
Breitenfeld city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.10 5177 4368
Burglen city Obwalden Switzerland 46.81 8.16 3349 3410
Diechtersmatt city Obwalden Switzerland 46.84 8.19 2637 2622
Engelberg city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
Engelbergi vald city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
Flueli city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.27 2670 14707
Fluhli city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.27 2670 14707
Fluhli Ranft city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.27 2670 14707
Frutt city Obwalden Switzerland 46.77 8.27 6227 1645
Gerschnialp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.42 3395 3299
Giswil city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.18 2700 2888
Grafenort city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.37 4189 3498
Halten city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.17 4189 2503
Hinter Horbis city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.43 5869 3369
Holzhostatt city Obwalden Switzerland 46.80 8.43 5029 3078
Kaiserstuhl city Obwalden Switzerland 46.81 8.17 4271 3203
Kerns city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.28 2509 17910
Lohalp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.85 8.08 4376 2807
Lungern city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.16 3543 4814
Melchsee-Frutt city Obwalden Switzerland 46.77 8.27 6227 1645
Melchtal city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.29 4297 5366
Melchthal city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.29 4297 5366
Mittel Arni city Obwalden Switzerland 46.80 8.09 6709 3799
Mussen city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.08 5059 3006
Möhrlialp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.12 3700 3571
Nieder Surenen Alm city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.48 8599 1817
Nieder Surenen Alp city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.48 8599 1817
Niedersurrenen city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.48 8599 1817
Obermatt city Obwalden Switzerland 46.84 8.37 3769 2788
Oberwilen city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.20 1669 9085
Ranft city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.27 2831 14707
Sachseln city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.23 2509 14167
Sarnen city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
Stalden city Obwalden Switzerland 46.89 8.21 1669 13577
Stalden (Sarnen) city Obwalden Switzerland 46.89 8.21 1669 13577
Wilerbad city Obwalden Switzerland 46.88 8.22 1669 14258
Zarnenas city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
Альпнах city Obwalden Switzerland 46.94 8.27 1669 18093
Гисвиль city Obwalden Switzerland 46.83 8.18 2700 2888
Горад Зарнен city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
Заксельн city Obwalden Switzerland 46.87 8.23 2509 14167
Зарнен city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
Лунгерн city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.16 3543 4814
Энгельберг city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
אנגלברג city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
סרנן city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
زارنن city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
سارنين city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
سرنان city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
سرنین city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
エンゲルベルク city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
ザルネン city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
恩格尔贝格 city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
英格堡 city Obwalden Switzerland 46.82 8.40 3349 3051
薩爾嫩 city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575
龍疆 city Obwalden Switzerland 46.78 8.16 3543 4814
자르넨 city Obwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.25 1728 16575

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