Directory of Cities and Towns in Glarus, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Glarus

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Betschwanden city Glarus Switzerland 46.95 9.03 2929 3365
Bilten city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.03 1669 12486
Braunwald city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 8.99 2906 2429
Braunwald GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 8.99 2906 2429
Canton Glarus city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Dialma city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.17 4206 1078
Diesbach city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.05 7549 2690
Diesbach GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.05 7549 2690
Dornhaus city Glarus Switzerland 46.95 9.03 4189 3365
Elm city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.17 4206 1078
Elm GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.17 4206 1078
Engi city Glarus Switzerland 46.98 9.15 3349 1997
Engi GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.98 9.15 3349 1997
Ennenda city Glarus Switzerland 47.03 9.08 1732 11282
Filzbach city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.13 2509 5796
Glaris city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Glarona city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Glaruna city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Glarus city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Glaruso city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Hinterdorf city Glarus Switzerland 46.97 9.16 3349 1587
Hätzingen city Glarus Switzerland 46.96 9.04 3362 4598
Kaesern city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 8.94 4599 4176
Kasern city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 8.94 4599 4176
Leuggelbach city Glarus Switzerland 46.98 9.05 3349 5993
Linthal city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Linthal GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Linththal city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Luchsingen city Glarus Switzerland 46.97 9.04 2509 4598
Luchsingen-Hätzingen city Glarus Switzerland 46.97 9.04 2509 4598
Matt city Glarus Switzerland 46.96 9.17 4284 1228
Matt GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.96 9.17 4284 1228
Mollis city Glarus Switzerland 47.09 9.07 2509 13868
Mühlehorn city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.17 1696 2656
Nafels city Glarus Switzerland 47.10 9.06 1669 14403
Netstal city Glarus Switzerland 47.06 9.06 2654 12480
Nidfurn city Glarus Switzerland 46.99 9.05 3349 6702
Niedern city Glarus Switzerland 46.91 9.19 6154 1643
Niedern Stafel city Glarus Switzerland 46.97 9.08 4543 5956
Niederurnen city Glarus Switzerland 47.13 9.06 1669 12536
Ober Stafel city Glarus Switzerland 46.89 9.10 5029 1320
Ober Staffel city Glarus Switzerland 46.95 8.98 5029 3137
Ober-Bilten city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.02 1669 12809
Oberbilten city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.02 1669 12809
Obstalden city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.15 2509 3909
Obstalden GL city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.15 2509 3909
Richisau city Glarus Switzerland 47.02 8.90 3736 3150
Rüti city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 9.02 3349 2840
Rüti GL city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 9.02 3349 2840
Schwaendi city Glarus Switzerland 46.93 9.17 3536 1044
Schwanden city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 9.07 2752 7682
Schwanden GL city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 9.07 2752 7682
Schwändi city Glarus Switzerland 47.01 9.07 1748 8879
Schwändi city Glarus Switzerland 46.93 9.17 3536 1044
Sool city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 9.09 2509 7685
Stachelberg city Glarus Switzerland 46.93 9.00 2801 2197
Stachelberg Bad city Glarus Switzerland 46.93 9.00 2801 2197
Steinibach city Glarus Switzerland 46.91 9.15 4189 1380
Unter-Bilten city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.02 1669 13435
Unterbilten city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.02 1669 13435
Ziegelbrucke city Glarus Switzerland 47.13 9.06 1669 11998
Ziegelbrugg city Glarus Switzerland 47.13 9.06 1669 11998
Бечванден city Glarus Switzerland 46.95 9.03 2929 3365
Бильтен city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.03 1669 12486
Браунвальд city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 8.99 2906 2429
Гларус city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Горад Гларус city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
Линталь city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
Луксинген city Glarus Switzerland 46.97 9.04 2509 4598
Матт city Glarus Switzerland 46.96 9.17 4284 1228
Моллис city Glarus Switzerland 47.09 9.07 2509 13868
Мюлехорн city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.17 1696 2656
Нефельс city Glarus Switzerland 47.10 9.06 1669 14403
Нидерурнен city Glarus Switzerland 47.13 9.06 1669 12536
Шванден city Glarus Switzerland 47.00 9.07 2752 7682
Эльм city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.17 4206 1078
انگی city Glarus Switzerland 46.98 9.15 3349 1997
ایلم city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.17 4206 1078
براوندوالد city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 8.99 2906 2429
برونوالڈ city Glarus Switzerland 46.94 8.99 2906 2429
بلٹن city Glarus Switzerland 47.15 9.03 1669 12486
بیٹسچیواندن city Glarus Switzerland 46.95 9.03 2929 3365
غلروس city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
لینتھل city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
ماٹ city Glarus Switzerland 46.96 9.17 4284 1228
موخلیہورن city Glarus Switzerland 47.12 9.17 1696 2656
نافلز city Glarus Switzerland 47.10 9.06 1669 14403
گلاروس city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
گلرو city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
გლარუსი city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
グラールス city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
兰塔 city Glarus Switzerland 46.92 9.00 2801 1856
格拉魯斯 city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576
글라루스 city Glarus Switzerland 47.04 9.07 1669 11576

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