
Alphabetical listing of Places in Bern

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tannen city Bern Switzerland 46.77 8.33 6709 1603
Tannen Alpe city Bern Switzerland 46.77 8.33 6709 1603
Tauffelen city Bern Switzerland 47.07 7.20 1669 10881
Tavannes city Bern Switzerland 47.22 7.20 2670 9949
Teuffenthal city Bern Switzerland 46.77 7.71 3599 14226
Teuffenthal (BE) city Bern Switzerland 46.77 7.71 3599 14226
Teuffenthal BE city Bern Switzerland 46.77 7.71 3599 14226
Thierachern city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.57 1876 47406
Thorberg city Bern Switzerland 47.00 7.57 2572 16641
Thorishaus city Bern Switzerland 46.89 7.35 2083 49420
Thoune city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.62 1830 72892
Thun city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.62 1830 72892
Tierachern city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.57 1876 47406
Tiermatti city Bern Switzerland 46.59 7.50 5091 1740
Timium city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.62 1830 72892
Toffe city Bern Switzerland 46.86 7.49 1738 23521
Toffen city Bern Switzerland 46.86 7.49 1738 23521
Trachsellauenen city Bern Switzerland 46.53 7.90 6981 1352
Trachselwald city Bern Switzerland 47.02 7.74 2575 11826
Tramelan city Bern Switzerland 47.22 7.10 3349 7790
Tramlingen city Bern Switzerland 47.22 7.10 3349 7790
Trimstein city Bern Switzerland 46.90 7.58 2509 37278
Trub city Bern Switzerland 46.94 7.88 3382 4462
Trubschachen city Bern Switzerland 46.92 7.85 2588 6592
Tschenten city Bern Switzerland 46.50 7.55 4534 2924
Twann city Bern Switzerland 47.09 7.16 1669 7918

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