Directory of Cities and Towns in Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Basel-Landschaft

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aesch city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
Aesch (BL) city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
Aesch BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
Aesch i Basel-Landschaft city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
Allschwil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.55 7.54 987 133408
Arisdorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.76 1788 55252
Arlesheim city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.62 1669 130521
Arlezhaimas city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.62 1669 130521
Au city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.55 7.65 859 166367
Biningenas city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
Binningen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
Binningen BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
Birsfelden city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.56 7.63 853 228784
Blauen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.52 1669 30387
Blauen BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.52 1669 30387
Botmingenas city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.57 1125 219666
Bottmingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.57 1125 219666
Bretzwil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.65 2509 8809
Brislach city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.54 1669 24684
Bubendorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.74 1669 35036
Bubendorf BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.74 1669 35036
Buebedorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.74 1669 35036
Burg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.44 2509 6660
Burg im Leimental city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.44 2509 6660
Buus city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.86 1732 20482
Diegte city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.81 1712 19558
Diegten city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.81 1712 19558
Eptige city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.82 2509 15054
Eptingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.82 2509 15054
Ettingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.55 1118 65735
Freidorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.63 935 215157
Frenkendorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.72 1059 67510
Fullinsdorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.73 1669 64657
Füllschdf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.73 1669 64657
Gelterkinden city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.85 1669 23041
Grellingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.59 1669 47055
Hemmiken city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.87 1715 19029
Hölstein city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.77 1906 29638
Hėlšteinas city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.77 1906 29638
Laeufelfingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.85 2509 20660
Langenbruck city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.35 7.77 2650 14597
Laucostabulum city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Laufelfingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.85 2509 20660
Laufen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.51 1669 19450
Laufen BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.51 1669 19450
Laufon city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.51 1669 19450
Lausen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.77 1154 41175
Lausen BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.77 1154 41175
Liesberg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.43 1669 8789
Liestal city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Listalis city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Maisprach city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.85 1830 25452
Miunchenštainas city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
Muttenz city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.64 1190 171079
Münchenstein city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
Neuewelt city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.62 1108 235494
Oberdorf city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.39 7.75 2076 13929
Oberdorf BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.39 7.75 2076 13929
Oberdorf i Basel-Landschaft city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.39 7.75 2076 13929
Oberwil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
Oberwil (BL) city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
Oberwil BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
Ormalingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.86 1669 21426
Pfeffingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.59 1099 66189
Pfeffingen BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.59 1099 66189
Pratteln city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.69 958 79821
Reigoldswil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.69 1837 10749
Runenberg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.88 1958 16951
Röschenz city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.48 1220 15087
Saline city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.68 921 90595
Schweizerhalle city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.68 921 90595
Schönenbuch city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.54 7.50 1223 39779
Seltisberg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.72 1669 41521
Sissach city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.80 1233 33699
Sommerau city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.85 1991 23382
Stallen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.55 1007 176793
Tecknau city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.88 1774 15726
Therwil city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.55 1092 135698
Titterten city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.72 2509 13206
Wahlen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.52 1669 18274
Wahlen bei Laufen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.52 1669 18274
Waldenburg city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
Waldenburg BL city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
Waldenburg i Sveits city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
Zeglingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.90 2086 19270
Zunzgen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.81 1702 31664
Zwingen city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.53 1669 28766
Βάλντενμπουργκ city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
Λίσταλ city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Альшвиль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.55 7.54 987 133408
Арисдорф city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.76 1788 55252
Арлесхайм city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.62 1669 130521
Биннинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
Бирсфельден city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.56 7.63 853 228784
Блауэн city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.52 1669 30387
Боттминген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.57 1125 219666
Брецвиль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.65 2509 8809
Бубендорф city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.74 1669 35036
Бус city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.86 1732 20482
Буус city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.86 1732 20482
Вальденбург city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
Гельтеркинден city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.85 1669 23041
Горад Лісталь city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Греллинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.59 1669 47055
Дигтен city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.81 1712 19558
Зиссах city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.80 1233 33699
Лангенбрук city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.35 7.77 2650 14597
Лаузен city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.77 1154 41175
Лауфен city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.51 1669 19450
Листал city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Листаль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Лойфельфинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.85 2509 20660
Лісталь city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
Муттенц city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.64 1190 171079
Мюнхенштайн city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
Обервиль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
Ормалинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.86 1669 21426
Праттельн city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.69 958 79821
Пфеффинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.59 1099 66189
Райгольдсвиль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.69 1837 10749
Рюненберг city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.88 1958 16951
Рёшенц city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.48 1220 15087
Текнау city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.88 1774 15726
Тервиль city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.55 1092 135698
Титтертен city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.72 2509 13206
Френкендорф city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.72 1059 67510
Фюллинсдорф city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.73 1669 64657
Хеммикен city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.87 1715 19029
Хёльштайн city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.77 1906 29638
Цвинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.53 1669 28766
Цеглинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.90 2086 19270
Цунцген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.81 1702 31664
Шёненбух city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.54 7.50 1223 39779
Эптинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.82 2509 15054
Эттинген city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.55 1118 65735
Эш city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
ליאשטל city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
أوبرويل city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
الش ویل city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.55 7.54 987 133408
بریسفلدان city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.56 7.63 853 228784
بوتمينجين city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.57 1125 219666
بیننژان city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
لستل city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
ليستل city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
لیزٹال city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
لیستال city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
موتانز city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.64 1190 171079
مونشانستن city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
مينشينستاين city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
ولدانبورگ، سوئیس city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
پرتلن city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.69 958 79821
リースタル city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
上多夫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.39 7.75 2076 13929
上維爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.56 1181 159125
利斯伯格 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.43 1669 8789
利斯塔爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037
勒申茨 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.48 1220 15087
勞芬 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.51 1669 19450
博特明根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.57 1125 219666
呂嫩伯格 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.88 1958 16951
埃廷根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.55 1118 65735
埃施 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.60 1095 80100
埃普廷根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.82 2509 15054
奧馬林根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.86 1669 21426
布勞恩 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.52 1669 30387
布本多夫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.74 1669 35036
布雷茨維爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.65 2509 8809
弗倫肯多夫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.72 1059 67510
明興施泰因 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.62 1669 188888
普拉特恩 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.52 7.69 958 79821
普費芬根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.59 1099 66189
格雷林根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.59 1669 47055
比爾斯費爾登 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.56 7.63 853 228784
洛伊弗芬根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.85 2509 20660
特克瑙 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.45 7.88 1774 15726
特維爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.55 1092 135698
瓦尔登堡 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.38 7.75 2509 12360
穆滕茨 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.64 1190 171079
策格林根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.90 2086 19270
聰茨根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.81 1702 31664
舍嫩布赫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.54 7.50 1223 39779
茨溫根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.44 7.53 1669 28766
菲林斯多夫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.73 1669 64657
蒂特滕 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.72 2509 13206
蓋特金登 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.46 7.85 1669 23041
蘭根布魯克 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.35 7.77 2650 14597
賓寧根 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.53 7.57 1118 239005
賴戈德斯維爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.40 7.69 1837 10749
赫爾斯泰因 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.43 7.77 1906 29638
迪格滕 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.42 7.81 1712 19558
錫薩赫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.80 1233 33699
阿勒海姆 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.50 7.62 1669 130521
阿爾施維爾 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.55 7.54 987 133408
阿里斯多夫 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.51 7.76 1788 55252
黑米肯 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.47 7.87 1715 19029
리스탈 city Basel-Landschaft Switzerland 47.48 7.74 1151 45037

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