Directory of Cities and Towns in Gros-Islet, St. Lucia

World:St. Lucia
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in Gros-Islet

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bois d'Orange city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.97 236 21036
Bois d’Orange city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.97 236 21036
Bon Air city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.97 236 20932
Cap Estate city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.10 -60.94 16 10654
Chassin city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 13.99 -60.93 830 32013
Choc city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.03 -60.97 374 22604
Corinthe city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.96 830 23390
Dauphin city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.04 -60.91 134 19923
Desbarra city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 13.99 -60.91 935 26958
Fond Assor city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.00 -60.94 830 33503
Garrand city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.01 -60.93 137 31690
Grand Anse city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.00 -60.90 413 20189
Grande Anse city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.00 -60.90 413 20189
Gros Ilet city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.08 -60.95 160 14490
Gros Islet city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.08 -60.95 160 14490
Gros Islet Village city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.08 -60.95 160 14490
La Borne city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.93 416 25394
La Feuillet city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.06 -60.94 416 20530
Marisule Estate city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.97 288 20932
Marquis city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.03 -60.91 164 23954
Monchy city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.93 830 22943
Mongiraud city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.06 -60.96 311 18406
Monier city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.02 -60.94 830 31587
Morne Serpent city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.03 -60.96 830 28994
Reduit city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.07 -60.95 252 16930
Union city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.03 -60.97 374 24246
Vieux Sucreic city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.05 -60.95 830 25893
Νησίδα Γκρος city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.08 -60.95 160 14490
גרו איסלט city Gros-Islet St. Lucia 14.08 -60.95 160 14490

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