Directory of Cities and Towns in Anse-la-Raye, St. Lucia

World:St. Lucia
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in Anse-la-Raye

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Anse La Raye city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.94 -61.04 830 15165
Au Tabor city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.94 -61.04 830 14111
Dame de Traversay city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.92 -60.99 321 29157
Derriere Lagoon city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.94 -61.02 400 24729
Durandeau city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.93 -60.99 321 28919
La Raye city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.94 -61.04 830 15165
Massacre city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.95 -61.04 830 15517
Millet city Anse-la-Raye St. Lucia 13.90 -60.99 830 27144

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