Directory of Cities and Towns in None, Sierra Leone

World:Sierra Leone
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in None

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bengberia city Sierra Leone 8.86 -11.31 1017 2933
Foya city Sierra Leone 8.19 -11.39 830 8468
Gbetema Farm city Sierra Leone 8.96 -11.16 1669 4590
Magbanapoli city Sierra Leone 8.57 -11.42 1184 3427
Magbese city Sierra Leone 8.32 -12.60 203 4746
Mo-konkobo city Sierra Leone 8.24 -13.03 0 18654
Mo-konkodu city Sierra Leone 8.24 -13.03 0 18654
Mogbessie city Sierra Leone 8.32 -12.60 203 4746
Petifu city Sierra Leone 8.56 -11.47 1184 3432
Safinia city Sierra Leone 8.89 -11.28 1049 3370
Yelima city Sierra Leone 8.34 -12.23 209 5818

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