Directory of Cities and Towns in Zalec, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Zalec

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Galicija city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.20 1046 12937
Gotovlje city Zalec Slovenia 46.26 15.17 830 19295
Grize city Zalec Slovenia 46.23 15.15 1017 18694
Hramše city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.20 1669 9724
Kale city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.13 1669 20447
Kasaze city Zalec Slovenia 46.23 15.20 938 35098
Levec city Zalec Slovenia 46.24 15.22 830 43312
Liboje city Zalec Slovenia 46.21 15.20 1669 25574
Megojnice city Zalec Slovenia 46.23 15.17 912 20143
Migojnice city Zalec Slovenia 46.23 15.17 912 20143
Občina Žalec city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.17 830 20761
Petrovče city Zalec Slovenia 46.24 15.19 830 26184
Podlog city Zalec Slovenia 46.27 15.13 885 21401
Podlog v Savinjski Dolini city Zalec Slovenia 46.27 15.13 885 21401
Pongrac city Zalec Slovenia 46.22 15.13 1217 17367
Ponikva city Zalec Slovenia 46.31 15.14 1669 17813
Ponikva pri Zalcu city Zalec Slovenia 46.31 15.14 1669 17813
Sempeter v Savinj. Dolini city Zalec Slovenia 46.26 15.12 869 21417
Sesce pri Preboldu city Zalec Slovenia 46.23 15.16 974 18694
Spodnje Grušovlje city Zalec Slovenia 46.28 15.12 935 18966
Spodnje Roje city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.13 862 22255
Sveti Jungert city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.20 1669 9724
Sveti Peter city Zalec Slovenia 46.26 15.12 869 21417
Sveti Pongrac city Zalec Slovenia 46.22 15.13 1217 17367
Velika Pirešica city Zalec Slovenia 46.29 15.18 898 15491
Vrbje city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.15 839 20212
Zabukovica city Zalec Slovenia 46.21 15.15 1227 15673
Zalec city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.17 830 20761
Zgornje Grušovlje city Zalec Slovenia 46.27 15.11 912 17765
Zgornje Roje city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.13 862 22255
Šempeter city Zalec Slovenia 46.26 15.12 869 21417
Šempeter v Savinjski Dolini city Zalec Slovenia 46.26 15.12 869 21417
Šent Jungerta city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.20 1669 9724
Šentjungert city Zalec Slovenia 46.30 15.20 1669 9724
Жалец city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.17 830 20761
ジャレツ city Zalec Slovenia 46.25 15.17 830 20761

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