Directory of Cities and Towns in Ruse, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Ruse

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bistrica city Ruse Slovenia 46.55 15.55 1669 25235
Bistrica pri Limbusa city Ruse Slovenia 46.55 15.55 1669 25235
Bistrica pri Limbušu city Ruse Slovenia 46.55 15.55 1669 25235
Faal city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.45 997 6241
Fala city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.45 997 6241
Lobnica city Ruse Slovenia 46.52 15.52 2509 11679
Loka city Ruse Slovenia 46.52 15.52 2509 11679
Maria Rast city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882
Občina Ruše city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882
Rose city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882
Ruse city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882
Smolnik city Ruse Slovenia 46.52 15.45 2509 5714
Руше city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882
ルシェ city Ruse Slovenia 46.54 15.52 1669 11882

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