Directory of Cities and Towns in Preddvor, Slovenia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Preddvor

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bašelj city Preddvor Slovenia 46.32 14.40 1820 6257
Breg city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.42 1669 9394
Breg ob Kokri city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.42 1669 9394
Hoflein city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.42 1801 9394
Kanker city Preddvor Slovenia 46.31 14.50 3441 2679
Kokra city Preddvor Slovenia 46.31 14.50 3441 2679
Mace city Preddvor Slovenia 46.32 14.42 1948 5682
Mozjanca city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.45 2509 7067
Preddvor city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.42 1801 9394
Predvor city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.42 1801 9394
Spodnja Bela city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.40 1669 11701
Srednja Bela city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.40 1669 11701
Suhodolnik city Preddvor Slovenia 46.34 14.51 4534 612
Zgornja Bela city Preddvor Slovenia 46.30 14.40 1669 11701

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